SPN Rewatch #14

Sep 20, 2014 20:57

8.20 The Great Escapist

After watching him as the big bad throughout season 9, revisiting the episode where we first meet Metatron is...disorienting.

He doesn't seem like that bad of a guy...angel.

But I am ahead of myself.

Fake Sam and Dean on the fake houseboat under Crowley's direction is amusing. Bonus that they bothered to explain Crowley is wiping Kevin's short-term memory because the last ep ended with Kevin aware Crowley has him...That's the kind of detail that isn't always attended to...

Kevin's 'if-you-got-this-I'm-dead' video--very effective, the gamut of emotions from Kevin...Dean's violent reaction, sweeping everything off the table...Little touch I noticed this time--after clearing the table, Dean walks away and in the distance he puts his hands to his head, elbows spread to the side, which is the same gesture he did back in Swan Song when Lucifer played along with their first attempt to use the rings and then strolled off wearing Sam. Nice bit of character continuity, this desperate 'what-do-I-do-now' gesture.

Another beautiful bit of character-coherent plot driving occurred when Sam recognized Metatron's signature in Kevin's notes as something he'd seen in a Stanford class. These kinds of natural plot explanations allow me to stay immersed in the story, instead of making me stop and go WTH...

Fever-cam was another effective thing, showing me what Sam was experiencing. Some of that was needed back in Sam's broken wall/sleep deprived days. Sam's earnest, fevered ramblings...(I seem to remember someone apologizing for the Grand Canyon error...though it can be chalked up to something Dean forgot from his childhood...)

I do remember upon first viewing, and it bothered me again this time, that Sam's entire face was submerged in the tub. Dean, are you trying to drown your brother?

I don't want to neglect poor Cas...his use of Biggerson's was inspired. And Naomi's callous killing of the restaurant full of people was really harsh. But again, what really got me the first time and did so again, was Crowley sticking his hand into Cas' gut and then Cas pulling the bullet out of himself. Ugh!!! Yay for badass Cas sticking the angelblade bullet in Ion's eye--but ewww!

So when Dean and Sam finally stroll into Metatron's room full of books, I want to know how Sam, whose been staggering and losing his balance all episode, managed not to knock over one of those book towers...

And Metatron's not knowing who they were--Sam's 'we're the friggin' Winchesters' was so funny...the whole scene worked, Metatron's 'I'm just watching the story' attitude once he does get involved...I believed in his character exactly as presented, even with what I know now...and I am going to watch the next episodes carefully to see where the clues are to his developing his ultimate game plan. Because I don't think he had a secret plan yet.

I must assume there was an unspoken 'Kevin, can I possess you a moment to save your life'--'sure' exchange before Metatron blasted Crowley via Kevin, because it felt so good to see Crowley lose for a change.

In sum, a lot happened here, but it smoothly moved multiple story arcs along.

8.21 Clip Show

Too many plots.

Figuring out how to cure a demon, which ends up with putting Abaddon back together and letting her get away...Metratron setting Cas up with the 'close heaven' trials and killing the innocent nephilim as the first one...and then Crowley's devastating attack on the people Sam and Dean have saved, culminating in Crowley's devastating monologue while Sarah dies.

And yet the previous episode also had 3 plot arcs...why did this episode feel so disjointed? It annoys me that I can't put my finger on the difference, I just feel it. Oh well...

First is the random teaser with poor Tommy all the way back from Wendigo...

Dean is REALLY angry at Cas, and it hurts to watch even as it is justifiable. BTW, what did the boys do with Kevin? Leave him with Metatron??? Come on, just give us a verbal reference to the kid, he was a major focus of the last episode and now not even a mention?

How to cure a demon section--nice reveal of the MoL dungeon...the old-fashioned Jiffy-Pop popcorn on the table while they watched the exorcism film...Dean's impassioned speech to the priest when Father Simon questions Sam's ability to do the job:

Father, over the past couple of months, I've seen him do crap that I didn't even think was possible. I mean, sure, he's miserable and he's hurting, but you know what? There's not a doubt in my mind that he's gonna cross that finish line -- not one. So, will you help us?

Too bad Sam never hears Dean be proud of him :(

Both b&w demon curing clips are unsettling, as meant to be. And at least Dean asks what happens to the original meatsuit when the demon is cured and Father Simon says "I don't know," acknowledging that it is an open issue.

Metatron still seems harmless right until he tells Cas that Cas has to rip the heart out of their waitress. I wish they hadn't had the girl hulk out when Cas went after her--how much more chilling would it have been for Cas to cold-bloodedly kill her while she begged for her life--would he have even done it? But by having her attack, it then becomes self-defense. Cop-out.

And then the Winchesters make several not-too-smart moves. Yes, they need to exorcise a demon, but why reconstruct one of the most deadly ones they've defeated? Why not trap some lesser demon and cure it?

Because TPTB were caught by surprise at how popular Abaddon's character was and they wanted to use her again. Cue Winchesters acting stupid...

I will handwave the sewing-her-head-back-on-fixes-her because, well, demon...I will also overlook Abaddon's comment that it was Father Thompson who 'introduced' her to Josie, since in season 9 we got a different Abaddon/Josie backstory, and this was such a throwaway line I'd forgotten all about it.

And then dumb move #2--leaving Abaddon alone to take Crowley's call outside. Guys! I know I hollered at the TV the first time, don't leave her alone! but did they listen? Of course not. Because it's easier to just have the boys act stupidly out of character than to work out a genuine way for Abaddon to get free...

And all of a sudden everything done so far in this episode gets dropped for the really terrifying part--Crowley putting the screws on the boys. Using the Supernatural books to take away all their victories--it was brilliant on Crowley's part, and I hated him for it!!! And the whole rest of the episode is just heartbreaking...Sarah...with an 'almost one' year-old daughter, just to twist the knife harder into the fans' hearts...Crowley's monologue as the boys frantically tear the room apart was spot on and killer...

What's the line? "Saving people, hunting things -- the family business." Well, I think the people you save, they're how you justify your pathetic little lives. The alcoholism, the collateral damage, the pain you've caused -- the one thing that allows you to sleep at night, the one thing is knowing that these folks are out there, still out there happy and healthy because of you, you great, big, bloody heroes!... They're your life's work, and I'm going to rip it apart piece by piece because I can, because you can't stop me, and because when they're all gone, what will you have left?


rewatch, spn, season 8

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