I have a feeling we're REALLY going to need this after a few more episodes!
spn_bigpretzel -- The Sunnier Side of SPN!
Are you looking for a break from the deals, the depression, the epic!man!pain? Then we're here for you! SPN_BIGPRETZEL is the home of fun!fic. No violence. No hurt/comfort. Just our favorite characters enjoying a lighthearted moment. Playing pranks. Watching "Dr. Sexy, M.D." Scarfing down bacon cheeseburgers and giant pitchers of beer.
We've got fic of all varieties (gen, het, and slash), fanart, memes, challenges, recs, focuses on SPN's comedic episodes -- in short, anything you need to brighten your day. If you're a member, you're welcome to post anything you'd like to share with the group, as long as its focus is lighthearted and fun. Whumpage is definitely allowed, as long as it's comedic (think: what happened to Sam in Bad Day at Black Rock).