Look What I Did...

May 08, 2011 18:41

So I am exceedingly proud of myself:

More pictures and explanation:

Sam before                                                                   Sam after

Dean before                                                                                 Dean after

So back in January I bought 2 Ken dolls and have spent the last couple months turning them into Sam and Dean. This
involved removing some of their existing face paint and painting a completely new face on Sam and new eyebrows, irises,
and stubble on Dean.

I must give credit to my husband who sat with very fine sandpaper and reshaped both chins and Sam's lips for me prior to

I have never done anything like this before, and must credit dievalkyrie_99, who did the remake of the Barbie that is
my Borgmama icon. The tutorials on her website http://www.dolls-n-daggers.com/ gave me the courage to try this.

I was planning on sewing clothes, but while searching for footwear I found a site that had the PERFECT clothing http://toysity.com/ and just went ahead and bought it. The detail is amazing--Sam's shirt actually buttons (I had to use a tweezers) and the jeans have functional front pockets! And the site even had appropriately sized weapons  :)

I do not anticipate, however, turning a pink Barbie car into the Impala. I know my limits!

look what i did

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