Some Things Can't Be Undone--2/3--SPN fic

Apr 28, 2011 20:50

Title: Some Things Can't Be Undone
Summary: The story of Dean and Cassie that Sam never learned.
Wordcount: 15,900
Genre/pairing: Het--Dean/Cassie
Spoilers: None
Rating: R
Beta: sandymg  who made this so much better with her contributions
Art: The two amazing banners graciously made by apieceofcake
Disclaimer: Playing in the Supernatural ( Read more... )

stanford years, spn, casefic, dean winchester

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Comments 2

rince1wind May 1 2011, 13:42:36 UTC
I really like the case as you're presenting it. Was it talked about in the Ghost Truck episode or is it all yours? It feels as though you've put a lot of thought into it, and the pieces add up as the reader goes along. You've done well with the POV changes back and forth, and that's hard to do! (Some grammatical goofs, but I'm a proofreader, so they stand out for me...).
I've always wanted to know more about how Dean and Cassie met and got involved, so - thank you!


borgmama1of5 May 1 2011, 14:53:01 UTC
I appreciate knowing that you find the case intriguing--it is original, I pulled together myths about there being cemeteries forming a pentagon and a haunted building on the Ohio University campus. There actually is a website designating Athens as the most haunted city in America, so I used it as a reference.

I did spend a lot of time creating the case--I even had to make a geneological chart of the families involved so the dates would be right--so it's extremely gratifying that, even though the case is the background to the story I wanted to tell, someone followed it!

PS If you want to PM me with the goofs I would like to know what slipped past both my beta and me!


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