Interview Meme from seesmooshrun

Feb 01, 2011 13:26

Intructions: Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed. I will respond; I'll ask you five questions. You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers. You'll include this explanation. You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.

So here are my questions from seesmooshrun:

1. What do you enjoy the most about writing fanfic?
I've always liked creating scenes in my head, but I'd never 'written' fanfic until SPN. What I like is that the act of writing my little scenes out makes me complete them and then they become something I can revisit and enjoy again. The fact that other people enjoy them is a delightful bonus!

2. What do you consider the greatest success of your life to date?
Raising my three daughters, who are now 28, 23, and 21, in a way that allowed them to become true best friends, and knowing that they will always be there for each other.

3. What's your ideal vacation/day off? (Because I just really liked that question)
Staying in my nightgown and reading. Either  SPN fanfic or an epic sci-fi or fantasy series. And having yummy food magically appear when I'm hungry  :)

4. If you could have one prop or piece of memorabilia from Supernatural (NOT including The Impala!) what would it be?
Could I have Jensen or Jared? :P
Well, if you won't let me have one of them, how about one of the actual books from Carver Edlund's series. Maybe "What is and Never Should Be." Would love to read the internal Dean dialog on that one. Although it would make me cry.

5. Would you rather be thought of as strong -- or fierce?
Strong. Because I see myself that way. Although the two words convey very similar states of being to me in terms of protectiveness of others.
So let me know if you would like to be interviewed!

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