Moving On

Jun 03, 2022 22:29

So at 1:24 pm today I walked out of work never to return--officially retired!!!

I've been the Caregiver Manager at a home care agency in Chicago for 12 1/2 years (I started in September 2009, the same month I started watching Supernatural as it aired live for season 5.)
For the first 11 years I loved my job and the people I worked with. Then in ( Read more... )

real life, about me

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Comments 21

quickreaver June 6 2022, 04:48:41 UTC
How exciting! Congrats on retiring, hitting a con, AND graduating to full-time gramma status!


borgmama1of5 June 6 2022, 12:30:42 UTC
Thank you! The con was lovely after waiting 3 years for more Jensen and Jared hugs!


amberdreams June 11 2022, 14:15:04 UTC
I did that same as Kalliel, thought for a moment you were moving away from fandom - very glad to see it's 'just' work! Sounds like a perfect moment to retire. Having done it myself I can highly recommend it!


borgmama1of5 June 13 2022, 20:44:34 UTC
Nope, hanging on to SPN forever!

First 10 days of retirement have been lovely--I woke up the first Monday after and started thinking about which clients needed caregivers this week and then stopped and thought 'Not my problem!' and went back to sleep!


amberdreams June 13 2022, 20:45:39 UTC
Life soon fills up with other things and that kind of worry will be a distant memory - I love it!


bubblesbrnaid June 13 2022, 13:09:00 UTC
Congrats on the retirement!

Hey, I know somebody pretty close to Winston. :) If you have questions about the area or anything, of course.


borgmama1of5 June 13 2022, 20:45:16 UTC
Thanks, and if I end up with Winston questions I'll give you a holler!


metallidean_grl June 13 2022, 20:58:55 UTC
Congratulations on your retirement. You lucky duck. I can only dream for retirement. Enjoy all your newly available free time.


borgmama1of5 June 13 2022, 21:32:20 UTC
Thank you. I wish everyone could have retirement's freedom!


finchandsparrow June 16 2022, 21:55:36 UTC
I'm doing some LJ catch-up today, so I'm a little late in saying this, but: Congratulations!!!! It sounds like you have a lovely farewell at your workplace, and now you get to enjoy some freedom! :D I hope the convention was fun and that you're having a wonderful time in Germany! I'd love to hear how the Supernatural rewatch goes, especially if you do manage to fit in so many episodes in so short a time. So much Supernatural at once! What an overwhelm of goodness!!


borgmama1of5 July 6 2022, 18:18:48 UTC
Just got back from Germany and am getting around to checking my comments--thank you for the good wishes! Germany was so much fun! Now I am discovering how different it feels to get up in the morning and only have to report to myself!


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