Why Watching Season 15 is Sad

Dec 13, 2019 03:25

I finally realized what this last season of Supernatural feels like...if you've watched Star Trek Next Gen or later--

You're in the holodeck in an opulent garden. Not only is it visually stunning, but the texture of the ground underfoot and the plants you touch, the scents, the breeze--all combine to convince you that you are in this astounding ( Read more... )


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ficwriter1966 December 14 2019, 01:11:27 UTC
Them bringing back Kevin to announce he'd been in Hell, then sending him off to wander the earth after one episode was such a slap in the face, both to the fans and to Osric. (Who's now a Paragon in the Arrowverse!) Although I guess I have to admit it made me less angry than what they did to Charlie, and to Sarah Blake.

On a similar note, there was NO reason for Dean to kill Lee last week. He could have killed the monster and walked away feeling betrayed by the guy he thought was on his wavelength -- same sense of isolation without an unnecessary murder.

Eileen is a cute character but I'm feeling nothing about her being there all the time now. The Sam/Eileen relationship is nonsense.

I did absolutely LOVE Rowena now being Queen of Hell. It works for the character, and Ruthie plays every square inch of that character. But the rest of the episode left me flat. I actually cried at the end of "Fan Fiction" when Chuck/God showed up, because the moment worked so well, but at this point the character exhausts me.

I agree with you about Gamble and Carver. At least they CARED.


metallidean_grl December 14 2019, 02:04:28 UTC
Totally agree about Kevin. I feel they just brought Kevin back because fans were clamoring for him, he was on a wishlist for characters to bring back. They could have done so much more with him than what they did. It was a slap in the face to Kevin to have him back on the show for such a short time, to only have him wander the earth. Useless. Useless. Useless. The first three episodes could easily have been done in 2 episodes with smarter writing. UGH!

You are right about Lee. Dean could have left him alive, he didn't need to kill him. With the monster gone, Lee's fortune would have crumbled up, since the monster was the one bringing him the fortune. Lee would have received his just rewards in the long run.

It was nice to see Ruth back. At least they didn't resurrect her, which is something I feared they were going to do, which would make death all the more less meaningful. So, it was nice to see her as Queen of Hell. I would have liked to see more interaction between her and Sam; and then when they couldn't find Michael they just jumped scenes. The boys were in Hell with Ruth and then back in the bunker - what the heck happened in the meantime. I would have liked to see something there. That shift was jarring to me.

I did enjoy the Adam/Michael bits. Would have liked to see more of him with Dean/Sam.

As for God, I was never on board when they made Chuck God. I wish they would have just left God as a missing character. This storyline doesn't excite me all that much, to be honest. But, it is what it is.


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