SPN FIC: Possesser

Sep 26, 2018 16:39

Title: Possesser (companion to Possessed) https://borgmama1of5.livejournal.com/103677.html
Author: borgmama1of5
Genre: Gen
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Disclaimer: Not mine, just anxiously conjecturing…
Summary: Michael's thoughts on his new vessel

Pleasure was not an angelic experience; however, extended time in his previous vessel had acquainted Michael with a filtered relationship to human emotion.

And this was pleasure, as he slid on his coat and straightened his shoulders. He had absorbed from his host's mind a satisfaction in its appearance, pride in being able to use its attractiveness to provoke a positive reaction from others. This vessel's physicality was what Michael deserved. He had healed its slight imperfections immediately upon entering, and now, its muscles strong, its reflexes precise, he could revel in the sensations of this level of human existence.

season 14, character: michael

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