Spend your velocities (on backwards motion) [4/4]

Jul 07, 2012 10:08

Title: Spend your velocities (on backwards motion)
Author: chimerari
Rating: R
Pairing: Cesare/Micheletto main, implied Giulia Farnese/Vittoria, past Micheletto/Augustino
Summary: In which ‘The Borgias’ is a band, Vitorria is the bassist who dresses like a boy pretending to be a girl. Cesare is the guitarist in tight leather and wins ‘best hair’ three years in a row. Giulia Farnese is the sassy vocalist. Juan is the drummer that nobody fucking likes. Micheletto? He’s the reluctant bodyguard for the aforementioned guitarist.
Warning: none, except perhaps the lack of a linear plot
Disclaimer: it's all lies
Chapter 1: http://chimerari.livejournal.com/34530.html
Chapter 2: http://chimerari.livejournal.com/35032.html
Chapter 3: http://chimerari.livejournal.com/35138.html
Chapter 4: http://chimerari.livejournal.com/35558.html

character: giulia farnese, fiction, character: lucrezia borgia, character: juan borgia, character: cesare borgia, character: rodrigo borgia

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