fanfiction - two kink meme fills, r and nc-17, multiple pairings

Jun 27, 2011 01:06

title: Ecce Homo
author floatxxaway
pairing(s): Giuliano della Rovere/Micheletto
rating: R
word count: ~1000
disclaimer: not mine, not for profit.
warnings: mentions of torture, pain
author's note: fill for this prompt at borgiaskink: "Della Rovere/Micheletto, Exploration of the Lemon Scene (1x02)."
summary: in which Della Rovere has more than just than interest in the male torso.

( "Ecce homo." / "Behold, the man." )

title: Adrenaline
author: floatxxaway
pairing(s): Cesare/Micheletto
rating: NC-17
word count: ~1000
disclaimer: not mine, not for profit.
warnings: spoilers for 1x05, rough sex, Cesare's leather pants
author's note: fill for this prompt at borgiaskink: "Cesare/Micheletto - Up against the wall, in the rain, after that final scene in the last episode (you know the one)."
summary: PWP in which Cesare is overwhelmed and sex happens.

( "Cesare sways on his feet as he walks away from the river bank, but doesn't make it further than a few steps down the narrow alley." )

episode: 1x02, fiction, episode: 1x05

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