Dec 26, 2007 17:06
I know its been ages since my last posting, but I'm now up and running with a new laptop that Michelle,..cough,.. bought me for christmas (using my bank account... oh well, I do like it). Anyway, I'm going to have internet access on the road, now. That's the good thing, and also Michelle made me set up a myspace page so that I'll have a place to post pictures and blog about my boring day-to-day existance. Anyway, that's that. I have my own truck now, I'm leasing a late model Kenworth. The pay is much better than teaching, and the stress, well.... its stressful, but at least I can do it without constantly worrying about getting fired.
Since I started driving I've now been to every state in the continental US except Maine (dont know why I've missed Main, we have customers there...), and the Canadian Province of Ontario. Sometimes its fun, like when I had a layover in NE Florida and spent the day lounging on the beach or when I had a layover in Albuquerque and I went and hung out in "Old Town, but sometimes its lonely, exhausting, and mind-numbingly boring. All and all, though, its a way to make a living.
Marriage is good... we fight like cats and dogs and drive each other crazy, so I suppose its working.
I'm still having my same old love-hate relationship with religion... that'll probably never change.
ANd that's it. So how's everyone else doing?
Anyway, here's my new myspace page:
The photo albums are public, so knock yourself out (well, not literally, that'd hurt.
Until later, adios.