I'm sick, you guys. *sniffles pathetically* So, in my time of woe, what shall I do? RAEG AT IDIOTS ON MY SHOWS. Totally therapeutic! And served up fresh for evisceration, we have...
Glee- 2 x 12: Silly Love Songs.
First off, I think it will surprise nobody that I think Finn is a GIANT DOUCHEBAG and needs to be exterminated immediately. )
LOL. "Chakotay" kind of jumped out at me, ngl. I should have realized that you were into Voyager, with your user name and all! It was my most favorite thing when I was younger and now I've been going back and watching the entire thing from the start. I'm midway through season 4 right now, I'm taking it slow because I don't want it all to be gone D:
That's neat that it started you with fandom! i always like to hear people's famdom experiences :D I have "written" fanfics in my head like that before, I still do, when I'm too lazy or too chicken to write said fics lol. but that big of fics are impressive! And I love J/C ♥
For the most part, I liked Kes. She got a little annoying there at the end though, to me. I agree about Neelix, he was strictly the comic relief character. I facepalm a lot during his centric episodes lol.
Hm, Seven. Okay, when I was younger (like...9 when I was watching it) I was like hardcore Doctor/Seven shipper before I even knew what shipping was (I tell you, the end, I had a little 11 year old rage at C/7) And now I still like them together. But now when I'm older and watching this I'm kind of :| at how when Seven appeares how she kind of takes over, and I can see how people wouldn't like that. We'll see more as I continue my rewatch. Totally not cool though with Sven having all the sexy, I remember that night gown most vividly during that Q episode xD
,i>As far as I am concerned, the episode Threshold never happened.
Damn right. Omg what even that episode. LOL. But can you believe it actually won an Emmy, or something?! (for makeup, but STILL. THRESHOLD?!?!)
haha, that's cool. To be fair, I just asked an open ended question. But I know that you wouldn't hate me if I had major differing opinions! *hug*
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