I have no idea how I suddenly exceeded the bandwidth on my photobucket account. Like, it's been nowhere near reaching halfway to maximum for ages now, and then all of a sudden, I'm over the limit, wtf? I call BS. But the annoying thing is that all my pics and gifs and everything are stored there, so I couldn't just bail and create a new account 'coz it'd take too long to shift everything. *facepalm* So I succumbed to this extortion and upgraded to pro for a month. I don't know if the bandwidth thing will reset in the next month and maybe I'll be able to keep all my crap without having to pay for extra bandwidth again, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I still think I'm being ripped off, but I need all my shinies, damn it!
The weekend was amazing, I had the best time at Armageddon! (Torri hugged me, omgsquee!) I just need a little time to process it all before I post about it, because in the aftermath, there's just too many thoughts in my head and I need it to quiet down a bit before I can talk about it without either being sad that it's all over or annoyed at the opportunities I missed
(there's always something every year! This year, I'm really disappointed I didn't get to speak to Jay Laga'aia- he was Chase on LotS- I waited for ages while he had a convo with someone because I didn't want to be a rude pushy fan, but then a staff member came to grab him and I lost my chance, argh! Also, I had two photos with Torri and while that was unreal, like, best thing ever, getting to talk to her on multiple occasions, I wish I'd done something different with the other photo 'coz they both look identical and I'm like, $40 on a photo that looks exactly the same as the first, hmm!) but on the whole, it was a great experience and I'm so looking forward to going back next year! (and I'm seriously considering either getting a gold class ticket or signing up as staff, because too many people have been talking about how great it is and I'm jealous!)
Again, I haven't had much time to watch tv and flail over it (I'M SO BEHIND) but in brief:
Community- I kinda hate Britta, honestly. I don't know why I get into all these series where I don't like the main character, but hating on Annie for subconsciously using her feminine wiles in the name of a worthy cause, what a cow! Annie can't help being cute, and it's not like she's whoring herself out, god. *glares*
Fringe- PETER, YOU TOOL, HOW MANY HINTS DO YOU NEED THAT THIS ISN'T OLIVIA? Opening up, chatting about music preferences you've never heard about, smiling all the time, being more personal and physical, FFS, you're supposed to be a genius, put it together!
Mentalist- about frakking time Jane's wife and daughter got official names! I'm really tired of fandom making up names, because it just doesn't sound right when people invent stuff like that. I know, I know, it can get repetitive going 'Jane's wife and daughter' or 'Mr and Mrs Granger' or 'Miss Parker' all the time, but while I give fanfic a lot of leeway, I really don't like them exercising artistic license in this area. ETA. Also, yay for sassy!Lisbon, I love her snarkery so much! *adores* I'm really glad the writers have let her get sly retorts at Jane's expense more as the series progressed. ^_^
Merlin- I finally watched Goblin's Gold with Ma and omg, I thought it'd suck but we laughed so much! Even at the stupid fart jokes, I was like, 'THIS ISN'T FUNNY, WHY AM I IN HYSTERICS OVER THIS?' Seriously, we were cracking up all the time and going, 'It's so silly, we shouldn't be amused by this, but ahaha!'
Argh, I got so excited when I saw the calendar stand in the mall with 2011 Harry Potter calendars, I thought it was the new DH calendar- even though, um, we're Australia and we never get cool stuff in a timely fashion, so what was I thinking?- I gleefully pounced on it straightaway and then was crushed to realize it was just a 'movie poster' calendar, with photos from the past movies. WHO CARES, I WANT THE DH CALENDAR, DAMN IT.
I cannot wait for the movie. I hope Hermione beating up Ron is as epic and hilarious as it's looking like in the promos! Also, god, how pretty is our cast? Even the people I don't really like, I've come to feel fond of because they are so good-looking and so wonderful in interviews, it's awful 'coz I want to hate them and I can't! (Rupert, why do you make me like Ron, why?! Dan, how do you make me root for Harry, even though he can be such an asshat?! Bonnie, how do you redeem a character I completely loathed in the books?!)
Epic vid, seriously- it features Kahlan from LotS, Morgana and Gwen from Merlin and Marian from Robin Hood, and it's just a lovely vid about all these amazing women and celebrates their strength and passion and determination. WATCH IT. *hypnotic eyes* @.@
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