RL: I am so glad the bike race is over! For the past week, my town’s been hosting the world championships for racing and it’s been a total nightmare- all the main streets have been closed off for the cyclers (whose arrogance knows no bounds, they think they own the road these days, argh) and it’s thrown bus routes and normal traffic into complete
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LOL aww. *hugs* They'll all be gone soon...maybe.
Aww, I felt a little bad for you, 'coz I was bashing Will so much
haha, don't feel bad. I'm used to getting things I like bashed, so it's no biggie. And in this episode I was even >_< at him, so...
I highly doubt they'd make Carl a pedo, but he sure was giving those vibes. Maybe that's his way to be ~hip and cool~ with the kids? LOL
Really. One of them needed to calm down (and it sure wasn't going to be Sue) and act their ages because always fighting in front of the kids = not cool. But I LOVE IT TOO they way they are so nonchalant with each other and she's all, "'sup William, let's chat. Oh and btw, your hair looks like a sheep rolled in marmalade."
I guess they could be 16? In the Pilot Rachel mentioned that she was a sophomore, which in the American system would mean she would be 15./16, so the nest year (this year) she'd be 16/17. And I don't know if they all are in the same grade...hmm. But yeah, I would assume they'd be older since the actors are. Like, Matt Morrison is only a few years older than Corey and Matt plays as Corey's teacher lmao. But I guess they can be in forever high school and never age like the Simpsons. Because if they were to all graduate and get a entire new glee club....I don't think I'd watch xD
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