'can i confess these things to you, well, i don't know...'

Sep 29, 2010 12:15

I think I'm getting the hang of spontaneous posting! I always used to fret over my posts for days and take ages to polish them up, but here I am, loosening up, posting on a whim!

RL: Today is a sunny glorious day (so far). Hopefully the afternoon will be fine so mother and I can go driving. Yes, I am willingly driving these days! With my mother! She trusts me to drive her car, lol! And it only took me...um, ten lessons? I think? I won't focus on that too closely, lest I wibble over the amount of money frittered away on this (admittedly useful) skill.

To all those people that encouraged me to give driving a go and not be so angsty over it...I owe you an apology for being such a baby. It's not that bad! Well, traffic in town with all the lanes and lights and stupid pedestrians, sure, ugh, awful, but when I'm coasting down the highway to Torquay, sigh, the sense of freedom and excitement! (dragonladyk, you were right, I can admit it! *squish* That feeling is just so exhilarating and marvelous and I want to drive on forever, lol)

Reality tv: OMG, the Australian Next Top Model finale show scandal! Sarah Murdoch announced the wrong winner! IDEK...there's speculation it was a deliberate hoax, but I don't know if I can believe they'd be so cruel. The girl that was supposed to have won actually made an acceptance speech and everything before they were told it was a mistake and she hadn't won. I am just CRUSHED for her, because she's the girl I WANTED to win, and there was that brief shining moment of victory- cruelly dashed as Sarah admitted to screwing up and it was actually the other contestant that'd won. >_< How absolutely appalling, honestly.

Fandom: You know what bugs me, especially in the HP fandom?
If I talk about what I don't like about certain characters, people get annoyed and point out all the good things about those characters (Hagrid means well! He's very loyal! BLEURGH) and when I argue my pov, apparently I'm biased (well, hell yes, but how does that mean my pov is any less valid?) or that I'm dissing other fans for liking that character or plot element. I actually got a post devoted to how wrong I am for my personal opinions and how stating my like/dislike for certain things means that I'm calling other fans unintelligent morons and that I'm just so catty and not a real fan. W. T. F. (That's up there with being told I'm sexist for not preferring ships with older woman/younger man- mind you, I clearly stated that I didn't think it was wrong, just that personally, I preferred younger woman/older man, but oh no, I'm just an affront to the feminist movement)

Then when I talk about my fave characters and how much I love them, I get people criticizing me for not pointing out all the bad things about that character or forgiving them for their flaws and it's like- I love Snape, why the hell would I bash him? Particularly when 90% of the comm bashes him constantly? I'm representing the tiny fraction of people that adore him, so of course I'm going to focus on his awesomeness rather than continue down the 'he's so evil, he's so hateful' path.

Such a double standard. I don't go around attacking every Harry fan and pointing out all the stupid, irresponsible, morally wrong actions he's done. Nor do I insist that every singe person who hates Snape acknowledge the good he's done and the positive contributions he's made to the series. I don't want to act like everyone in the fandom behaves badly, I have friends who are really amazing and tolerate my views and we have fun convos debating our differences. But the rest... *sighs*




 fave characterfave shipfave fandom

 best quotebest textlessbest stolen idea

 fave animateduse the mostfavorite

IF YOU COULD BUY SPACE FOR MORE, WOULD YOU:  I always want more, but it's damn expensive, y'know.
WHAT FANDOM DO YOU HAVE THE MOST ICONS OF: Harry Potter. (63- a third!) Second would be LotS.
DO THE MEME. Coding can be found here

Vidspam:That horrific moment of epic fail.

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hp!verse, driving, icons, australia's next top model

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