That gorgeous
school choir performance from HBP’s deleted scenes? It’s called In Noctem and I d/l the full version, soooo in love with it- I’ve set it as my message alert, yay! ♥ I laughed at myself, though, 'coz I was all, 'Oh, it sounds so beautiful, probably 'coz it's in another language, if it was in English, it might not be as enchanting'-
then I found the lyrics and half of it IS in English! Ha, oops? )
b) Snape’s reaction to Hermione’s teeth. I have to say, as much as I love her, I snickered at that scene. It baffles me that most of fandom rises up in outrage over his comment.
Now, was this in the book only, or was this in the movies too? Cos I don't recollect this moment. :( And I would love to see how Alan delivers it, with his voice low and velvet and slightly bored, eyes set and unblinking.
I find it endearing, but perhaps that's just me in my everlasting quest to perv over complete jerks. The more asshole they are, the more I love it. But what I love is that he couldn't nitpick on her intelligence because he reluctantly accepts that. Nor her hardworking skills. Sure she's an insufferable know-it-all BUT for all intent's purposes, I believe he's jealous that there's someone who could rival his knowledge when HE was THAT age. And that she's gaining up on him. It sets him off, makes him uneasy. And she's not like the other dunderheads - he's never compared her to that. So he hits something trivial, superficial with that remark. It's really nothing, because he had nothing ELSE to comment on. I think what irks him is that she's as close to perfect FOR HIM, suited wise.
I don't understand the uproar at all. I think they are reacting more to Hermione's reaction, rather than what "CRIME" was actually committed. They are looking at this situation blindly, through Hermione's tears.
And also, you did touch upon this a bit, but let's enumerate the remarks people have said ABOUT HIM, from his nose to his hair to him being the greasy bat of the dungeon, etc. From his childhood he's had to suffer that too. Why is no one leaping to his defence?
And do you know how much it makes my tummy skip, when she set him on fire down there? Or when she steals from his supplies? ESPECIALLY when she steals, cos I just want him to catch her, just once! And then see what he does - what kind of detention is offered. Delicious delicious detention.
OH HAI! Quick question: would you have any recommendations (HAI YOU ARE MY OFFICIAL SS/HG pusher and my go-to) on a jealousy!fic. It'll prolly be OOC, but I'm in an angsty mood. Anything to do with Hermione being jealous over someone Snape is actually seeing. Are there any fics like that? Where Snape is in a relationship with someone and Hermione is jealous and angst angst angst and then happy ending! Odd mood I'm in, but for some reason, I'm wanting to read that. And I can't find any and I'm creating images and scenarios in my mind...but I want to read something tangible! *cries* HELP ME OBI WAN KENOBI, YOU'RE MY ONLY HOPE!
His Draught of Delicate Poison
Marriage Law Challenge style fic in which Snape is engaged to Fleur.
Hmm, jealous!Hermione, otherwise involved Snape...I have a nagging recollection of a fic or two like that, but nothing concrete off the top of my head. I shall look into this for you! *hugglesquish*
BUT it's more of Snape actually WANTING to be in this relationship (sans Hermione) and then jealous!Hermione and then convincing!Hermione and then sexingSnape!Hermione. RESOLUTION!
If you doooooooooooooo remember, please drop me a holla! ♥
Je t'aime! Meow!
The Life Debt
This meets all your requirements. It's a decent fic, although I don't like how pushy Hermione can be, but it hits all your points, so yeah. ^_^
Ave Maria
Angsty angstness!
Becoming Whole
Not a jealousy!fic per se, but there is a chapter with a hefty dose of jealousy and Hermione goes psycho, so i thought I'd put that in.
Incomplete, abandoned, and way too long for me to read through just atm, but I know there's a bit of jealousy working its way through there somewhere.
Love, Carefully Folded
'k, the thing is, most fics I found with the keyword 'jealousy' search, it involved Snape's jealousy, and the ones with Hermione had moments of jealousy over Lily, that popped up now and then. But this one had a plot arc dealing with it, so I thought I'd link that, because it's kind of a major thing for them, rather than the usual 'oh, I fell in love you with not because you're a smart Gryffindor Muggle-born like Lily, but because of your own innate awesomeness!'
The Dool Tree
Also has some Lily jealousy.
And I hope you got my other comment down below about From Mother to Daughter and At the Edge of the World, the latter, especially, made of win!
I give you some Snape-skin as a thank you! Hee!
Secondly. As soon as your pm mentioned a beautiful new witch at Hogwarts and her starting a relationship with him, bells started ringing. I wasn't a big fan of it myself, which is why it didn't come up earlier, but as far as I recall, it was a decent enough fic, just I didn't like all the angst. But I think it might be the one you're looking for.
By Flash and Thunder Fire
Even if it's not for you, I'm so impressed with myself, all I could remember was a vague association, I was brainstorming- oh, ha, THUNDER, and so I used that as a keyword search and came up with this on the first go! I love that I remember fics so well, heh. My only useful skill!
ETA: I've skim-read it again and I really hope this pleases you, because if it doesn't fit the bill, then I'm finished, there's nothing else I can think of that would come as close to fulfiling your request as this! Well, not the new epic-style plot that you outlined in the last pm, lol, I've never come across anything like that, but in terms of Snape being in a relationship of sorts and Hermione being's really interesting because it's from his POV so I like seeing his take on her reactions and the gradual dawning on him of how what he was doing was affecting her. Also, Draco and Hermione's friendship is epic. Their convo in chapter 5 is ♥
Aww, that’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said! *huggles*
Now, was this in the book only, or was this in the movies too?
I am sad to say that it’s strictly book!canon. Because Emma’s teeth were perfect so there was no need for that scene, because the whole point in the book was the gradual beautification of Hermione, lol. Btw, apparently in PS/SS, Emma wore a couple fake teeth to emulate Hermione’s appearance, but it gave her a lisp, so they vetoed the ides in the end. I think it’s cute, though, heh.
I would love to see how Alan delivers it, with his voice low and velvet and slightly bored, eyes set and unblinking.
I am rather distressed that it was not in the movies. Though that goes for every Snape scene that was omitted [except for the grey nightshirt, I’m so glad that was cut] and actually, the very fact that the entire two hours plus isn’t devoted to him. :P
I find it endearing, but perhaps that's just me in my everlasting quest to perv over complete jerks. The more asshole they are, the more I love it.
OMG, IKR?! I don’t know what it is about us, loving a man like this! *twirls you round* But I find it so endearing in him, hee.
I think it’s the fact that he’s a proud bastard, and he’s so skilled with the snark. I mean, some so-called ‘heroes’ are greater jerks [I grit my teeth whenever I have to endure Ron or Harry’s painful idiocy] and we’re supposed to accept their behavior and think no less of them for some of the crap they pull, which drives me nuts. And there’s Snape, so reviled in fandom, and yet so funny with his acerbic put-downs and subtle sarcasm. *adores*
he couldn't nitpick on her intelligence because he reluctantly accepts that. Nor her hardworking skills
Exactly, and he acknowledges that in his insult to her- ‘know-it-all’. He doesn’t insult her intelligence the way he does others, deservedly so, except for situations when it seems called for, like when she was sticking up for Sirius in PoA.
I believe he's jealous that there's someone who could rival his knowledge when HE was THAT age
I’ve kinda thought he sees something of himself in her and that’s why she rubs him the wrong way. The similarities as well as the disparities between their lives- she’s really smart and devoted to her studies, like him, but so painfully gauche and obvious and she’d never have lasted two seconds in Slytherin like that. There’s something about people that bring trouble on themselves by being clueless and awkward that sets some others on edge and makes them grit their teeth in frustration, maybe because they can empathize and it makes them dislike the victim all the more. I don’t know if that makes sense, but I’ve felt like that about a few kids in my time and I think that might be how he sees her sometimes. Like, if only she could be a little more cunning and not so dense about house politics and so desperate for friendship that she lets the boys use her to do their homework and all their thinking for them… *gnashes teeth*
she's not like the other dunderheads - he's never compared her to that. So he hits something trivial, superficial with that remark. It's really nothing, because he had nothing ELSE to comment on.
In an essay in this year’s SSHG exchange, I loved this part most of all, something that didn’t really stand out when I read the book and which I facepalm’d over when my attention was drawn to it.
How does Snape talk about her when she's not around? He tells Narcissa and Bellatrix that Harry has survived by "a simple combination of sheer luck and more talented friends."67 Severus! You noticed! After years of his ignoring her, his acknowledgement of her gifts delivers a bit of a charge. Hermione gets no confirmation, but we see that the awareness is mutual.
Thank you! I know most people would think that as a Snape fan, I’m just blindly defending what he said just because I love him, but truly, as objectively as I can, assessing this situation…no, it’s not a big deal. It’s just funnier that people have actually excused him killing people but not this slight to Hermione, ha!
And I have to say, it really pisses me off in fics when Hermione gets all self-righteous and huffy and he has to grovel and apologize over the teeth remark. Ugh.
let's enumerate the remarks people have said ABOUT HIM, from his nose to his hair to him being the greasy bat of the dungeon, etc.
Exactly! If it was from someone like Lockhart or anyone else stunningly attractive, it might be more hurtful, but from the teacher who’s universally hated and whose own appearance is trashed by one and all, I don’t buy it. Hermione being insecure around Fleur or even Lavender, yes, but by Snape, no.
From his childhood he's had to suffer that too. Why is no one leaping to his defence?
Because he’s a Slytherin! Because he joined the Death Eaters! Because he called Lily a mudblood! [No matter that he strongly regretted what was said in a moment of anger and camped out on her doorstep in full view of the entire school to apologize]
I have to rant about one thing here, as much as I enjoy the tv tropes website, one thing that made me shriek with rage was how it compared Sirius and Snape over how they both were reckless with their friendships, Snape by insulting Lily and Sirius by setting up Snape to be brutally ripped apart by a werewolf. Sirius’ own friend, no less. *bashes the writer*
do you know how much it makes my tummy skip, when she set him on fire down there?
Oh, dear god, I have to say, that moment will never be viewed by me in an entirely innocent context, because as much as I sternly tell myself that she’s only 12 and thinks he’s evil…the bare bones of the scene involve her crouching between his legs, FFS. How can my perverted mind not read subtext into that?
I mean, she could’ve been off to the side and set fire to the edge of his cloak, but noooo, we have the imagery of her peeking out between his knees! *bludgeons dirty mind*
Can I just say I am so glad I can talk to you about this kind of thing, knowing that you’re not going to judge me for it? ^_^
I just want him to catch her, just once! And then see what he does - what kind of detention is offered
Hee, I remember reading a fic where he dealt with her kleptomania in a most…stimulating manner. She wasn’t at Hogwarts, though, she was at his store and pocketed a potion in his sight, leading to a most interesting apprehension of her person. *g*
HAI YOU ARE MY OFFICIAL SS/HG pusher and my go-to
*preens* I am so proud to play this role to you! Considering I’m a relative newbie and all! I’ve always angsted over how I join fandoms years too late when there’s not as much of a craze going on and I have nobody to talk to, and I’m so grateful I have you! ♥
Okay, the very fic you are referring to occurred to me not five minutes after I left the library. I stopped and cursed myself for not thinking of it earlier, it’s perfect for your needs- Snape dates…Hermione’s mother. And it’s so in-character and wonderfully angsty in the set-up and oh, it’s dealt with wonderfully because nobody’s the bad guy and everyone’s so concerned with how everyone else is feeling and I mean…it’s her mother’s boyfriend and her Headmaster she’s falling for, omg! *flails*
From Mother to Daughter
Also, At the Edge of the World
They say you don't know what you've got until it's gone. Hermione's always been a smart woman; can she figure it what she's about to lose before it is too late?
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