'don't leave my hyper heart alone, 'coz I don't wanna get over you....I don't wanna get over you...'

Jul 03, 2010 11:38

Checked out the deleted scenes for HBP and came across this snippet of awesomeness.


I just love how Hermione says that fondly, taking any sting out of it with her inflection and affectionate manner, and Harry just snorts in amusement and shrugs it off. Adorable!

And because they really get each other and are so comfortable in one another’s company, obviously there is no chance for any romance between them. *eyeroll*

For Harry is destined to be with Ginny, for whom his chest monster ravenously roars, and the only times he seems to care about her is when she's with other guys. That sparks up his romantic interest in her, not the girl herself, but competition for her, wtf?

And Hermione is to be with Ron, with whom that same statement would lead to a whole lotta blustering and ranting and raving, some shrieking and possibly tears and/or physical violence before they storm off in opposite directions and refuse to speak to each other for days. SHIP! *snorts* They can barely stand each other’s company and exchange poisonous barbs all the time, obviously they should get married and have children!

*bounces* ‘k, so I doubt many of you would have read the Young Wizards series by Diane Duane- though you can be sure I will be pimping it very soon, I have an essay on its many merits in the works- but I went looking for fanfic and discovered…a kink!meme on LJ!

Because my crack!ship has so few fics written for it, I checked out the kink!meme and found a few prompts that addressed the fantastic, deviant, creepy coolness that is Nita/LP. Oh, yes, because when in doubt, I will go for the deliciously wrong pairings. :P And it doesn’t get more wrong than shipping the female protagonist with the Lone Power, the villain of the piece, basically, the devil. I caaaan’t help iiiit. I just find conflict and antagonism and people trying to kill each other a real turn-on. *facepalm*

Prince of Persia: Random Thoughts

Isn’t it weird the way that Dastan becomes a prince? The king sees a street rat displaying courage and loyalty and immediately puts him fourth in line from the throne, for serious? I thought that at the least, the kid would’ve foiled an assassination attempt or something before adoption into the royal family would’ve been considered, but putting himself on the line for another street rat doesn’t seem the sort of impressive feat that would move royalty, come on. The king taking him on as a ward or protégé, sure, but an adopted son? Not buying it, sorry.

Lol @ the whole Iraq/WMD parallel happening here. Subtle, writers, very subtle!

Interesting how gung-ho Dastan is about conquering and pillaging. I thought as hero, he was going to be a little more discerning than his brothers, but that was misguided of me. Since when do heroes run from a fight, even when it’s under false pretenses? Never, it’s the ultimate shame, backing down from confrontation. *eyeroll*

Tamina! As tranquil and poised as she is beautiful. Though I did find it a little disappointing that her response to the notion of invading armies was to retreat to the temple to pray.

And as soon as she entrusted the dagger to some hapless red-shirt, the whole of his sadly abbreviated plotline was broadcast in that split-second; of course he was going to be discovered and go down in defense of the artifact, which would fall into the wrong hands! If she’d just concealed it somewhere in the palace, in the drapery or a pot-plant or something equally innocuous, it’d’ve been much safer. *shakes head*

Bwahaha, Tamina, I adore you. Dastan’s like, ‘I suggest a hint of humility when presented to the king.’ Does she listen?

The King: In all my travels, I have never look upon such a beautiful city.
Tamina: You should’ve seen it before your horde of camel-riding illiterates descended upon it.

Seriously, this woman won my heart over without a fair fight. I am helpless against gorgeous sassy independent women with a sharp tongue and who can stand up for themselves.

Now, I read a discussion of when the ‘bickering couple UST’ works:

“…those kind of couples bicker because they don't know how else to interact and bickering and fighting gives them an excuse to talk to the other person…” t0ra_chan

“…UST-bickering is a way to get TO each other when you can't devise any other reason to do it…” aasaylva

It perfectly suits two antagonists who are forced into close proximity to each other and due to certain circumstances, they must co-exist without killing each other. Constant sniping is a way to release some of the tension and irritation with each other before they get to the point where the only solution is for one of them to die. And because neither of them is invested in a relationship with the other, their petty jabs and insults don’t really hurt or inflict serious emotional pain because they don’t give a damn. The other person is beneath them.

Of course, somewhere along the way, when one or both of them has saved each other’s lives, when they begrudgingly realize there is something deeper under the surface that they never took the time to notice, that there are redeeming traits that make the other more attractive, even if he or she still provokes murderous desires…then that give-and-take of insults almost becomes endearing, it becomes a contest of witticisms more for the fun of it than a real desire to wound the other. It’s exhilarating, it’s fun, it puts a sparkle in the eye, it makes them work to keep from smirking with amusement at each other.

I do so love this kind of interaction. It’s why I frequently ship antagonists, people who get off on the wrong foot with each other and have to work against their preconceptions of the other person and get past first impressions to find their saving graces and how worthwhile and rewarding a relationship could be. Unexpected world-view-changing love, rather than the [imho] rather boring predictable love that usually crops up between friends. *yawns*

Not that I don’t want them to be friends first, mind you. These paradigms are blissful:

Antagonists -->friends -->lovers
Co-workers -->friends -->lovers
Etc. Boss/subordinate, teacher/student, that sort of thing intrigues me, because there are so many barriers to overcome and personal issues to deal with.

It’s just people who start off as friends and then become more that bore me from a story-telling POV. *shrugs*

Anyway, way off topic- that was just meant to show why I’m such a fan of Dastan/Tamina. He conquers her city! She tries to kill him! They go on the run together! PURE EPICNESS.

Dastan: I promised my brother I’d kill you if he could not have you.
Tamina: [in sultry tones] The solution would be to kiss me and then kill me. But I have a better solution…I KILL YOU. *does her best to end him*

Bwahahaa! Can’t you see how much fun it is to ship them? There’s bucketloads of UST with a healthy dose of homicidal fury! I usually hate how easily the female succumbs to the seductive ploys of the male, but here, it’s so awesome how she plays him. HEE.

Honestly, Dastan, you’re not that much of a prize, how big is your ego?! You think that the woman would be so hot for you, she’d willingly give into a moment of passion without being pissed that you’re going to kill her! Come on!

And you know what makes her a BAMF? She totally would’ve killed him without a moment’s hesitation. *adores*

I get so worked up over how apparently, in order to be a ‘good guy’, you have to value the lives of others over your own, even those who want you dead. They freeze while debating the morality of their actions and that’s when the other person blindsides them and makes their escape or worse.

But Tamina goes for the kill- and if it weren’t for the tricksy ways of that Dagger of Deus Ex Machina, she’d’ve succeeded.

And what further impresses me is that she doesn’t let pride get in her way. Whatever weapons she has at hand, she’ll use them and exploit the situation to her advantage.

Tamina: So you’re going to leave me here? In the middle of nowhere? Noble Dastan, abandoning a helpless woman in the wilderness! What does your precious honor have to say about that?!
Dastan: *groans and backtracks* Give me the strength not to kill her.

If it’s a pair of buddies, gritting his teeth and offering her assistance wouldn’t be a big deal because it’s expected. The bond between them would make that the expected outcome.

But between the dude on a mission to avenge his father’s death and his own honor, to the woman who just tried to kill him and whom he’d formerly sworn to kill…well…*squees*

And she does a great job of taxing his resolution to avoid killing her! Constantly casting aspersions on his character and mocking him every step of the way, lol. This is amusing because she has every reason to be pissed at him- he invaded her city, he killed her people and supplanted her rule!

Between buddies…not so amusing. I find most of Hermione and Ron’s interactions just nasty and toxic because it’s not funny little light-hearted jabs they’re trading, it’s thoroughly hurtful personal comments that aren’t taken or delivered in a joking manner; it’s usually enough to make one or both of them storm off and ignore the other for a day or week or whatnot.

“There are definitely dynamics where friends constantly banter, as a part of a very particular kind of interaction, but the difference is that that sort of bantering tends to be done with a glint in the eye, for the hell of it, with no real hurt feelings. It's hard to buy that R/Hr have fun in their arguments though, seeing as it's rarely "joking-type" of arguments…” go_back_chief

“There really is no fun in the R/Hr friendship. I mean, Ron can jokingly call Harry a midget in glasses and make him laugh, but when he says something about Hermione's hats, she snubs him for a whole day…” t0ra_chan

Tamina: I wasn’t born in this desert like you Persians, all shriveled and angry. My constitution is much more delicate.
Dastan: I think you mean ‘spoilt’.
Tamina: The wells of Alamut are famed for their clean, cold water.
Dastan: Perhaps less time admiring your wells and more time guarding your walls, and you wouldn’t be here.
Dastan: Ah, a miracle! I’ve silenced the Princess!
[sees her lying on the ground]
Dastan: Tamina. Tamina? Can you hear me?
Tamina: *whacks him unconscious* Yes, Dastan. I can hear you.


See, violent attacks on one’s enemy? Totally justified. And her snarky retort to his unconscious form makes me giggle.

Setting deranged canaries on one’s love interest for daring to make out with another girl, despite the two of you having no formal relationship? EPIC FAIL.

[Honestly, the Trio’s interactions make me question JKR’s notions of love and friendship. Harry taking satisfaction in seeing Hermione and Ron’s hands bearing deep cuts in OotP, and then Hermione casting a spell that leaves Ron with wounds that take weeks to heal in HBP? I mean, this is HP!verse where magic can instantly re-grow bones but he’s walking around with marks from her vicious attacks for a month afterwards, JKR makes a point of mentioning that, and she doesn’t know why people don’t buy R/Hr?!]

I really like the odd friendship between the greedy merchant and the black native warrior. It starts off like a master/slave kinda thing- ‘I once had the good fortune of saving his life and now he is endearingly indebted to me’- but then you see how the merchant really does respect him and when the warrior dude feels strongly about something, he makes it clear and the other guy will reluctantly go along with it, even if it’s not in his best interests, which says a lot about the strength of the bond between them! They are more like equals, which we see as the story progresses. Like when the warrior dude guilts him into helping. ‘What? A knife-thrower with a conscience,’ he says with disgust, before resignedly going along with it.

I find it hilarious that Dastan points the traders towards Tamina. Like, the notion of chivalry never comes to mind- she knocked him out and stole his things and left him at the mercy of any passing beast or bandit! Chivalry bedamned! And then he SELLS HER TO THE TRADER.

Tamina: [scathingly] Such a noble prince.
Dastan: [jokingly] Such a gentle princess.

Oh, the ostriches! I became rather fond of those ugly birds, especially with the merchant’s evidence affection for them. [‘No!’ he shouts, stopping anyone aiming at the troublesome duo. ‘You might hit a bird!’] Poor things! They were so cruelly treated in this movie.

And once again, Tamina and Dastan are forced together by fate- they have to work together in order to escape from merchant dude, no time for petty rivalry!

But when they’re separated by a barrier- Tamina decides to make her claim once again.

Tamina: Give me the dagger.
Dastan: This isn’t the time!
[What with marauding hordes on their trail, no, I wouldn’t imagine so]

She insists on making him hand over the dagger- and then there’s dramatic moment when he makes a vicious stabbing movement and she gasps and I’m like, ‘NO WAY, HE DID NOT JUST STAB HER’ and thank god, he didn’t. Just some hapless due behind her, iirc. But in case she thinks he’s going soft- ‘Don’t think it didn’t cross my mind,’ he snarks.

It’s just priceless the way these two keep getting thrown together. She wants the dagger. He keeps thwarting her attempts to reclaim it. ‘If you want to stay close to the Dagger, you’re going to help me get in’, he tells her. ‘All these foreign dignitaries, I’m guessing you know a few.’

And to make sure he doesn’t think she’s going soft, she makes sure to pick the hardest, most undignified job- bearing these huge overweight dude’s pallet, heh. :D ‘Couldn’t you have found someone lighter?’ he whinges. ‘They are a noble people,’ she retorts, ‘You should be honored’. *g* ‘Oh, yes, terribly.’

They’re starting to like each other. Letting up on the death threats, just going on about trivial things, he’s warming up to her now. ^_^

Tamina: Where is the dagger?
Dastan: You’re welcome to search me for it. You’ll have to be very thorough.

Oh, yes, things are hotting up all right!

Just so you know, I totally knew it was the uncle from the start. I mean, the posters kinda gave it away, plus the Evil Eye-Liner of Doom, but it was so obvious. And finally Dastan figures it out. In time to barely escape with his life and have a hostile encounter with one of his brothers.

‘Whatever Dastan’s trials, a public trial will best communicate the king I hope to be,’ his brother vows. ‘Strong, honoring the rule of law. We are not savages.’

I kinda like the brothers, y’know. I was ready for them to be like the princes out of Stardust, all conniving and merciless back-stabbers, but this guy is rather fair-minded, even if he was quick to accuse Dastan of murder without proof. Honestly- handing the cloak to their father doesn’t prove he cursed it!

‘Long ago, the gods looked down on man and saw nothing but greed and treachery. So they sent a great sandstorm to wipe clean the face of the earth. But one young girl begged the gods to give the mankind another chance, offering her life in exchange. Seeing the purity within, the gods were reminded of man’s potential for good, and so they swept the sand into the sandglass. The dagger was given to the girl who saved man…’

Isn’t that rather benevolent of the gods? I mean, mankind was spared plus the girl got to live? Must’ve been having a merciful day, ‘coz usually they live to torment man!

And I do like that the girl was willing to die to save everyone. Usually in doomsday movies, the selection of humanity that are gathered to make an appeal to TPTB represent the worst of humanity, or their efforts to impress TPTB- gods, aliens, whatnot- are superseded by stupid irrational government organizations that are determined to nuke first and ask questions later.

Like, if I were in charge in The Day the Earth Stood Still or Legion, I’d be like, ‘Humanity’s overrated. Kill ‘em all!’ because the characters we see are just appalling and beyond redemption. ‘This whole Earth experiment was a failure, wipe the slate clean, let’s try again!’

Aww, I do like their cozy chat in the tent while waiting out the sandstorm. It’s emotionally intimate, I mean, rather than just the snarky banter, we have Dastan confiding in her about his screwed up family and Tamina explaining the history of the dagger instead of being all ‘GIVE ME THE DAGGER’.

Interesting how the writers give this villain layers. I mean, some people just assign random characters the role of villain and thus they are villains, they were always villainous and will always be villainous.

But we hear about a childhood incident where Nazan saved his brother’s life, a split-second moment where he reacted to protect him instead of standing by and inheriting the crown through no wrongdoing of his own.

It’s nice- that he could do something so noble and good, and ironic- that the writers would make the crowning mistake of his life a decent action for someone else’s wellbeing. It gives him some complexity and shows he wasn’t always Pure Evil [unlike Voldemort, who seemingly popped out of the womb with evil stamped all across his character with no motivation at all].

Tamina: We’ll stop for water and push for the mountain-path by nightfall.
Dastan: You enjoy telling me what to do.
Tamina: Only because you’re so good at following orders.
Dastan: Don’t push your luck.

Ostrich! Cuteness! And the gaming empire merchant dude, lmao. ‘YOU CAN’T ORGANIZE AN OSTRICH RACE WITH JUST ONE OSTRICH.’

‘Did you know that ostriches have suicidal tendencies?’ *gigglesnort* He so reminds me of Glee’s Brittany, who comes up with bizarre hysterical non-sequiturs. [‘Did you know that dolphins are just gay sharks?’] ‘Look at her. She used to be a grand champion, now I have to watch her night and day to make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid.’

Er, is it just me or are there disturbing hints about his relationship with that ostrich? *iz squicked* Brain bleach, stat!

About Dastan saving everyone at the camp- didn’t he use up all the sand in the Dagger? *confuzzled* Yet it still let him bend time?

I’m a bad shipper- I found the romantic tension more alluring when they were still trying to kill each other than now, when they’re co-operating and Dastan’s helping her with her quest [omg, a CHICK can have a QUEST?!]; it was so frustrating, honestly. ‘Stop making goo-goo eyes at each other and take care of the bloody dagger first!’ If only. Then the movie’s events wouldn’t have been altered and I would’ve been happy. *pouts*

But seriously. Excruciatingly long seconds gazing into each other’s eyes, the banalities ‘Don’t cut yourself, Princess’…‘I’m ready for this/ I’m not’…jeez! *stamps foot* I appreciate the fanservice, but why why WHY for the love of god can’t people ever just DO the thing that is required without delaying it long enough for the baddie to foil their plans?!

Lol, such a cliché. As soon as Dastan convinces one brother of his innocence, or at least to hear him out, the brother dies. *headdeskwallfloor*

Speaking of death, NOOO, the black warrior dude dies! I was so upset, that guy was cool! Too bad he didn’t get to use the cool powers of the dagger to save himself, grr.

Tamina: I don’t think you should do this.
Dastan: Is that concern I hear?
Tamina: Caution.
Dastan: Sprinkled with concern…you used to be a better liar.

D’aww! They have grown so much closer!

I was just so annoyed with the older brother. He heard out Dastan’s story, he chose to save his brother and verify the truth of his words about the Dagger- and he knew that the traitor, Nazan, the one who murdered their father, was coming into the room but he did nothing! Nothing! Just stood there and let himself get killed! What is the point of having forewarning of events to come if you don’t use it to your advantage?! GAAARRGH. He deserved to die, but I was sorry for Dastan, losing yet another brother- and after the measures he took to convince the man to trust him!

I have to say, I thought that scene was particularly well done. Even if he is hypocritical- he was all wibbly at the prospect of Tamina being killed restoring the dagger, but he goes and commits suicide himself? *shakes head* Granted, there was a fairly good chance that his brother would do the right thing and save him, but still…

Oh, goddamn it. There goes my notion of a female getting to have a destiny. *eyeroll* ‘It’s not my destiny, it’s yours. It always has been.’ Why are the guys always the one chosen by fate for great things? *frowns*

O. M. G. Tamina making him let her go. *cringes* ‘k, so she deliberately chooses to sacrifice herself- why the whimpering and the ‘DASTAAAN!’ shriek as she goes down? Why?! Watch LotS and how Kahlan handles this exact same scenario with tons more grace and fortitude.

And now the deus ex machina moment.
[Just like in Next when Nicolas Cage’s flashes of foresight were only supposed to be for a minute or so, and then suddenly it turns out that he saw weeks into the future and thus the whole movie never happened and I was so pissed ‘coz I totally shipped him with Julianne Moore’s character. GRR. Come on, they had way more chemistry than the canon ship. That scene where she was all, ‘Are you really going to let me die?’ *heart!splodes* And he grabs her and effortlessly moves her in and out of the huge, man-crushing logs and other debris of the trap he set up specifically to thwart her and the team she had to capture him…ending with them sprawled together quite intimately…then the scene culminating with her arresting him, LMAO. Srsly, totally awesome!]

Now Dastan gets to be the noble, wise guy that sees the deceit and treachery they were all blind to and enlighten them all on how they were betrayed. Honestly, that was a really weak dénouement, Nazan didn’t have to attack him then, he had nothing on him! Nazan could’ve brazened it out and then slipped away later and hidden any evidence he was involved, or just high-tailed it outta there. Instead, he loses his cool and shows he’s a no-good traitor. *eyeroll*

And the happy ending! I love happy endings, no matter how contrived! I’m just a little disappointed with this one, though. don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled Dastan and Tamina get their HEA, but the way it came about…

I really really get so pissed off with endings which undo the events of the entire movie, because then it makes me wonder- what was the point of sitting through this when it never happened? If she remembered as well, I’d be cool with it, because then their dynamics would be the same, they’d have the shared experiences and memories and everything, but as it is, she doesn’t know him! She never mocked him, never found out about his true origins and started to realize how little she knew him, never whacked him unconscious, never worked in concert with him to save the day, never developed feelings for him, never kissed him…it makes me so angry!

So 90% of the movie is completely awesome and I would totally watch it again. But the ending just annoys the hell out of me. Their relationship is so tame in comparison to what it was. *sighs wistfully*

I mean- ‘It would be to our mutual advantage that our nations be united by a bond stronger than friendship. Marriage- your marriage, to one who is both conqueror and savior of your city.’

Er- how is Dastan savior of the city? They still bloody invaded it and everything, didn’t they? And how is this deal any different from the one first time around, where she was to be married off to one of them to cement their rule over her city? She’s not being given a choice here on the matter- if he had truly saved her city, they’d be leaving her to govern her people in peace, not presenting her with this fait accompli. Or is she supposed to be an equal in this marriage, now that they know Alamut wasn’t involved in illegal weapons-trading? *shakes head* Whatever.

But yeah, their relationship this time is with her being indebted to Dastan, with him returning the Dagger to her, and I’m not so happy with that dynamic. *pouts*

Anyway…bring on the fic!


Survivor: Tocantins- episode 4:

Previously on Survivor:

Timbira scores the choicest items on the truck- through what Coach later tries to claim was a co-ordinated team effort via his telepathic instructions to his tribe-mates.

However, this telepathic connection bafflingly fails to enlighten him as to the fact that some of them think he is a colossal jackass.

Perhaps it’s a defensive mechanism designed to cushion his ego from painful blows that would leave him whimpering in misery at the realization of how pathetic he is? [We’ll have to wait for that glorious meltdown in Heroes vs Villains]

The Exile Island Alliance is formed. Hurrah!

Jalapao gains the advantage- and then loses it. Meh.

Coach strives for the leadership of the tribe- and is awesomely smacked-down by Erinn. Whee!

Who will be voted out next? Sadly, not Coach. *whimpers*

I will never forgive Coach for tarnishing my perspective of the word ‘sultry’. *glares* All this time, the first association it brought to mind was some gorgeous sexy chick. Now it brings up the image of his stupid face whingeing about the weather.

I shall pretend that he is instead talking about Sierra, with whom he is exchanging significant glances full of portentous meaning (while he coyly flips his hair).

Because if there are two words that accurately describe Sierra, it is indeed ‘sultry’ and ‘sulky’.

OMG. I just realized- Coach and Sierra? Are like this season’s Russell and Parvati. In the sense that he is rather off-putting and she is not that popular with her tribe, and their affiliation with each other is squickily affectionate.

Except Coach lacks Russell’s cunning head for strategy and Sierra hardly approaches Parvati’s level of awesome. Because she would never have the guts to face the possibility of being voted out and still hand over two immunity idols to her team-mates. *adores her* This remains the pinnacle of Survivor badassery, in my eyes, a feat rarely equaled and never to be trumped!

‘She said Brendan is the better leader- but she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. It pissed me off, and it made me think Erinn’s gotta go because she is the cancer of the tribe.’

Excuse me? The girl puts you down and all of a sudden, she’s the new and improved cancer of the tribe that must be excised for the good of all? How can he not see how self-absorbed and transparent his motives are?! She hurt his ego and he makes it seem like his decision is about keeping the tribe strong- because anyone who punctures his ego must be bad for the tribe. For reasons unspecified, but trust Coach, anyone who doesn’t like him will be responsible for Timbira’s downfall! *eyeroll*

Oh, the misogyny. Brendan re: leadership, ‘If we all decide that Coach wants to do it or Tyson wants to do it, I’m totally on board.’ No mention of the ladies- because the mere notion of a woman running things is completely beyond the realm of possibility. Grr! And of course, none of the ladies will nominate themselves because of the great likelihood that Coach will nominate them in the starring role of Cancer of the Tribe.

Anyway, it was a foregone conclusion- Brendan, through the act of chairing the discussion and telling people how they were going to resolve issue, clearly proved his leadership skills and ability to command attention and respect. Unlike the glowering ass who stood by and sulked while Brendan was garnering goodwill and support.

Erinn loses some of my respect by backtracking on her statement the previous night where she trashed Coach’s leadership abilities. Because I love her best when she’s denigrating the man, not scrambling to maintain her place in the tribe. Can’t we just keep her on the tribe to deflate Coach’s ego at appropriate intervals? I think her role as ball-buster is way more necessary than Coach’s wonky diagnostic skills. This isn’t an episode of House, Coach, you don’t get to point at one person after another that you suppose is behind the tribe’s affliction. Sometimes the responsible party is the person staring back from your reflection in the river. [Coach=Narcissus, y/y?]

‘There’s only one experienced person out here as far as being out in the outdoors and that would be me…’ Oh, Coach. I’m not even going to address that blatant bit of self-aggrandizement but experience isn’t synonymous with leadership ability. Look at Rossi- he’s got years of experience over the rest of the team and is he in charge? No, he’s the pompous windbag that delivers condescending trivialities at the drop of a hat, not the ‘fearless leader’, as mother refers to Hotch. \o/ [Coach=Rossi?]

Taj is apparently fully confident in her alliance, as she lazily lounges on the hammock as opposed to building relationships with the rest of her tribe. That’s pretty careless of her. Hedging your bets is not a weakness, it’s the sign of a strong strategist. How she calls the Exile Alliance her Plan B when she doesn’t have a Plan A is beyond me. Make nice with your team-mates, FFS.

Stephen is a total sweetheart and comes to check on Taj in her self-imposed isolation, opening a door of opportunity he can barely believe- ‘I might’ve just stumbled ass-backwards into a huge alliance.’ Sometimes the nice guys don’t finish last, hurray!

Stephen tacklehugs Taj and is completely squishable with his giddy enthusiasm, d’aww!

O. M. G. Brendan is such a crappy alliance member. He couldn’t find two seconds to pull Sierra aside and tell her ‘hey, I’ve got your ticket to safety and success, let’s be allies!’ *eyeroll* It wasn’t like she’d distrust him or betray him- he’s the only one she trusts, after all, being the one that didn’t vote for her.

It’s bizarre to me how touchy-feely Coach is with the women he despises. So he hasn’t sunk to the depraved, disgusting levels of his lechery towards Candace, but the thing is- when you hate someone, you don’t want to be near them, you can barely stand to breathe in the same air they are, right?

And yet he goes and pats Erinn on the back when getting her to select the weights for the next round. *shakes head*

I would not want Coach’s icky hands anywhere near me- especially considering the way he’s continually stroking them through those greasy locks of his.

[Yes, I’m a hypocrite, I consider greasy hair endearing on Snape and appalling on Coach, so what? The fact that I distinguish it as being a telling character trait that speaks to Snape’s profound isolation and dislike of other people and refusal to do anything to make them look well upon him, which in turn elicits immense sympathy and affection on my part- to the point where I would gladly wash his hair and brush it for him- while I disparage Coach for the same is completely justified. Coach is scum. Snape is a hero. The End]

I am completely baffled by Timbira’s strategy here- spreading the weight is a stupid decision, it allows the Jalapo members to grit their teeth and shoulder the load when they only have a paltry amount to deal with. You want to knock out people, the best way to do that is to concentrate on one person and weigh them down more and more from the get-go!

Erinn receives an approving nod from Coach. :O *confuzzled* Does he have dissociative identity disorder? What is going on here? He can tolerate the cancer of the tribe? Is it in remission? Is he trying alternative remedies that are rendering her more agreeable?

Because he's now even partnering up with her! Bizarre! He's befriending the cancer?!

Maybe he’s just trying to make up for the moronic claim he made- ‘If you look at me, you look at Brendan, who looks stronger? I do.’ But is he suiting word to action? Hell no! He’s doing what he does best- mouthing off instead of actually contributing to his tribe. *eyeroll* Meanwhile, Brendan’s out there, breaking his back to uphold the tribe’s honor.

Still, he’s not man enough to- and this pains me greatly- equal Rupert’s record. Thankfully, I can hurry along quickly to note that 220 pounds is now JT’s record as well, yay! Go JT! Saving me from having to praise that bearded fool, what a champ. :D

I have to say, it freaks me out the casual way these guys drop their weights. Because one wrong move, a slight miscalculation, and they could’ve dislocated their shoulders or broken a collarbone. It’s not the holding on to the weights that’s the danger, but the release. My back is aching in sympathy of their strain- oh, no, wait, that’s just normal, I always suffer back-pain. *pouts* Feel free to offer me massages anytime…

Joe proves himself a nonentity by dropping out just after JT with not even the same amount of weights. *sniffs*

And Jeff continues to pound in the message about gender inequality- ‘And now it comes down to the women!’ Making a big production about it like it’s so incredible that women could contribute anything. If it had been between two guys, would he have drawn our attention to that fact? No. *glares* Because that’s the natural state of affairs, apparently, men are superior and thus, it is an anomaly that the women are the last ones standing for their respective tribes.

Anyway, it wasn’t that suspenseful- compare the teensy Debbie and the solid, muscled Taj. No contest.

Gosh, Taj’s big bouncing boobs make me twitch. How does that not pain her? She needs a better bra for sure.

Hey! What is this? Good sportsmanship? Wow, look at how sweet and angelic Taj can be when she’s on the winning side! ‘You did a hell of a job,’ she congratulates Debbie. I’m rather touched by that display of female solidarity! Of course, had she lost, I’m sure Taj would’ve been just as upbeat, cheerful and gracious…the very soul of courtesy and goodwill to her fellow tribe-members… :P

Damn Joe. What a buzzkill- Stephen was just going in there for the hug and Joe body-blocks him to get up close and personal with JT. *sniffs* Never mind. We all know who JT’s first choice of snuggle-buddy is, and it ain’t Joe. ^_^

Oh, Brendan. You are obviously in this alliance for your looks, not your brains. Because DUDE, how is it possible you didn’t find any time at all to pull Sierra aside for a covert convo?! Take a bath together, gather firewood together, go hunting or fishing or something, FFS, it’s not that hard to manufacture legitimate reasons to go off on your own! Even just ending the camp-fire would be good enough! *eyeroll* He’s just the pretty face, evidently. I like a well-muscled body as much as the next gal, but airheads are so not a turn-on. >_>

Debbie, Brendan and Tyson are surprisingly welcoming to the new-comers. And I am astounded by Tyson’s grip on the social game- “You wanna be on good terms with them because you’re probably going to be living with them in the future.” I thought he was the type to be petulant and difficult, but he’s playing the game- while mentally going, ‘I wanna punch these guys in the head’, LMAO. He does come up with great one-liners!

I wonder if TPTB came down to camp and laid down the law about leaving their possessions in the camp. Because if they weren’t directed otherwise, wouldn’t it be the smart thing to dig a hole in the forest or beach and shove their precious beans into it? Hide the valuables- ick, not that I’d value those disgusting beans- instead of leaving it lying around for the raid. But I’m sure someone had a word with these guys.

‘You have to look forward in this game, there could be a switch at any time,’ notes JT. ‘If I was to end up over there on the Timbira tribe with no beans, ‘coz I just stole both sacks, I’d be pissed.’

*squishes him* I do so love it when reality tv show contestants act like reality tv show contestants! He’s aware that the show prides itself on shock twists and throwing people out of their comfort zone- and reacts accordingly by leaving behind a sack of beans, just in case. Well-reasoned! I so love it when people exercise their brains and use strategy!

Joe decides to reveal how benevolent and altruistic them two were by leaving behind the smaller bag of beans- to what end, I don’t know. He’s increasingly annoying as the show goes on, but unfortunately, still enough of a nonentity to stick around longer. *sighs*

Sandy is shrill and crude on the matter. I’m not gonna be sad to see her idiot mouth go.

Honestly, the word ‘strategy’ should never emerge from her mouth, she just taints the meaning of the word by uttering it. *sniffs disdainfully* I guess Sandy needs to remember that her peers are the ones that vote for the winner, and stealing all their food would leave a really bad taste in their mouths? Doesn’t matter to her, since JT and Joe would be the ones that Timbira would lambaste, but jeez, how stupid can you get?

[I really should refrain from asking that question. Usually, just when I think he can’t sink any lower, Coach finds new levels of dumbassery]

Sydney is pretty, no doubt about it. but she has this Clare Danes from Stardust thing going on with eyebrows so fair, they’re practically non-existent, and it looks so freakish. Dye those eyebrows, damn it!

And honestly. It annoys me to see a girl so stunning resorting to such an obvious deployment of her feminine wiles. Though obviously her ham-handed methods aren’t an issue with the boys, who make me eye-roll with their ‘hot stuff’ and ‘hottest Survivor chick this season’ comments. Lol at that qualifier though- this season. I would be insulted, were I Sydney! Like, who are they comparing her to? How dare they imply she has competition?! Her beauty is obviously without equal!

Oh, god, save me from that inane girly giggle. I want to choke that giggle right out of her throat, grr.

Hehe, I do like this:
Sydney: Sierra’s kinda cute, though.
[Spencer?] : She’s kinda angry.

Possible femslash?!
Nah, as if I’d be that lucky. It was nice to have that moment of hope, though. Since no het couples are emerging from this bunch. *sighs* [Too bad Stephen isn’t a Stephanie…:P]

And heh, whoever that second dude was- Spencer?- he got Sierra pegged all right. Even when she finds out she’s been selected to join a secret alliance, she still looks discontent with the world!

Crack a smile, gosh, you’re not on a modeling gig atm, it’s all right to show some pleasure. But instead of showing that pretty smile to her team-mates, she reserves it for the camera dude. *headdesk* TRY TO  BE MORE FUN, SIERRA.

I am pretty happy for her, though. even if I am disillusioned and loving Erinn more these days- though hey, they were my two gals from the start- it’s still great seeing things fall into place for her; she was eliminated right off the bat, still in a precarious position at first and now she’s in a pretty snug and cosy spot!

Sandy is a bitter, shriveled up crone. Stop uglying up my screen already, crazy eyes, and please spare my ears your lame drivel. GOD, I am so glad she’s going this ep.

Oh, Erinn. I feel you. I would find it tough-going being on a tribe where the women are expected to support and cheer on the menfolk, no matter how lame they’re acting. Though I admit, Tyson’s loin-cloth act was kinda funny…

Except it turns out the problem is not that she is vastly superior to her fellow tribe members, the problem is that she went through a messy break-up that keeps her from relating to other people normally. Ooo-kay, then. O.o Points to her for not breaking into embarrassing sobs in front of her tribe, I guess, but jeez. *eyeroll*

Shut up, Tyson, you will not wish Erinn ill!

She must remain in the game to keep being sexy as hell in that black bikini. ^_^

I admit, I am rather partial to her because I think if I were on Survivor, I would be her- kinda the outcast, off on the sidelines, not really part of the gang, feeling all lonely and isolated... *squishes her*

Coach continues to suck at challenges. WHY is his name not up for elimination?! *rages*

And dude needs to roll down his socks, I am so embarrassed on his behalf, ugh.

Stephen is so cute when he runs...

...his arms whipping up to head-level, hands stiff and straight. It’s like he saw people racing on tv once and that seared into his brain under ‘How People Are Supposed to Run’ and he’s dutifully replicating that look and movement, lol. He is just that analytical. ^_^

Wow, Sydney lost Jalapao’s lead and really slowed them down. *shakes head* Now, between the young, perky, flirty blonde and the old, prune-face simple-minded crazy-eyed old lady, who do you think will get voted out? *ponders*

Timbira wins immunity! Woohoo! There’s almost a theme happening with the underdogs winning a challenge, after the tribe initially ahead stumbles and loses their way. ^_^ Aww, lookit Erinn cuddling that immunity idol- her ass is safe for tonight, yayz!

Oh, Stephen. Don’t deny the manlove. Trying to speak up for Sydney, defending her contributions around camp as…eye-candy…and how she’s tight with Spencer and Joe. So get rid of her and there’s…hmm, four against two? Who cares about those guys, Taj and Stephen and JT are going to stick tight, with Stephen the common bond between them, and Sandy would be loyal since they’d be saving her. I’m not advocating keeping her, mind, just that I don’t see how keeping a crappy competitor because two people’s feelings might be miffed is a valid justification.

‘Sydney’s good looks make a positive first impression but that could be part of her devious personality.’ Oh, Stephen, I heart you! Looking past a girl’s looks to her personality and character? WIN! <3

Hee, Sydney, how you amuse me- I’m happy you’re sticking around after, ‘I have a flirtatious personality, I flirt with women.’

The sound effect I can’t convey in words but has the ‘OH, BURN’ kinda connotation going, as the camera whips to Sandy, who looks almost offended that Sydney has never paid that kind of attention to her, lol.

I want Sydney to make it to the merge, if only to see how she interacts with other beautiful women, like Sierra and Erinn. Because she doesn’t interact with Sandy or Taj at all, but Sandy’s old and Taj is socially aloof, so yeah, I’ll wait and hope. :P Not that I think anything’s gonna happen, because for all her big talk, Sydney’s one of those girls that is ALL about the men, but I do like seeing when people’s claims are refuted by their actions.

And Sandy goes home. *yawn* Good riddance! I’m just surprised by Taj’s vote for Joe, where’d that come from? Stick with the tribal majority, jeez, don’t rock the boat! *shakes head* She is so determined to go her own way and do her own thing, she keeps burning bridges behind her as she goes. Tsk, tsk…

Day 6- Favorite episode of your favorite tv show.
HMM. TLW’s A Man of Vision, methinks. We have delightful banter as our heroes are captured by cannibals, intimate moonlight conversations and the most hilarious Momentus Interruptus where Marguerite and Roxton’s impending kiss is disrupted by…Marguerite being paralyzed by a tree scorpion! Ah, the perils of jungle love…

For something more mainstream, Castle’s…what’s the ep where they have dates but end up ditching them for each other? Classic!

Vidspam: Emma's music video! OMGSQUEE! *flails* She is so cute and gorgeous and *heart!splodes* The ending's just wacky and hilarious.

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diane duane, young wizards, hp!verse, emma watson, dastan/tamina, prince of persia, survivor: tocantins

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