'Witch hunts are my valium, Serena. I'm just trying to stay calm...'

Apr 16, 2009 10:42

For the record? My parents are LAME. The weather forecast said gale force winds and heavy showers, so they kept me at home yesterday. *headdesk x infinity* WHO DOES THAT?! GOD. I nearly died from boredom.

Now for spammage!

1. Reply to this post with 'Icons!', and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

sunkrux nominated the following:

Ha, I really wish I used this icon more often. It makes me giggle. I find it hysterical how different Gillian is from Scully, I mean, yes, real person =/= fictional character but WHOA. People swear around me all the time, but it's different coming from her!

Ah, this icon speaks to my soul. Firstly, because I can't stand people with their self-delusions. Secondly because life sucks. Get used to it.

And then this icon comes along and brightens up my life. It is a shot of pure joy and optimism. reiko_afterglow asked for volunteers when she was making icons a while back and of course I up and avalanched her with TLW pics for inspiration. :P This is one of my most favorite icons, I just melt when Marguerite smiles. *iz blissful*

This being my other most favorite icon EVAR. *glees*

cause you have to tell the back ground on the in joke. :P

In joke? Dakota and I are crazy fangirls that feed off each other's insane levels of obsession. Our TLW discussions escalate to the most ridiculous heights of random, it's quite fun...

The thread be here, but I'll quote the salient points:

Me: ...she finds dealing with Roxton and his expectations and efforts to break through her walls tough enough, and how much more overwhelming would it be if everyone else was like that, too? I thought they weren't ready to forgive and alter their misconceptions of her, but...*facepalm*...I didn't think that maybe SHE wasn't ready for that either. If they all assumed she was this wonderful, altruistic, saintly person and expected her to act like it, that'd probably send her fleeing for dear life from the treehouse.

Dakota: Despite the seriousness of this conversation, I had to giggle at the mental image you just presented. I'm sorry, I had to, really. That's exactly what I was thinking though, because having all of them expect her to suddenly be St. Marguerite the Sweet would definitely be too much to deal with.

After which I nagged her til she made the icon. :D

I think this icon made me want to watch Firefly. I'd seen Serenity and really wasn't impressed- I'm sorry, but the captain seemed like a jackass and I didn't get why everyone was so loyal to him, plus it looked like half the crew died and I didn't get the ending.

Now that I've seen the series, I might have to rewatch and see if I can figure out what's going on. But yeah, coming across this icon? I giggled and remembered how much I like the nutcase chick with crazy ninja skillz and decided to give the series a go. :D Fell for it and thus, we have the requisite happy ending.


mcgarrygirl78 nominated these:

['k, I kinda want to thwack you for picking not one but TWO icons that I made. I have a tolerate/hate relationship with them. I tell myself they're not the most awful icons in creation, someone out there has to be made of more fail than me, right? But I still feel dreadfully self-conscious.]

Miss Parker! I know the coloring looks weird but I love it anyway. She's this tough kick-ass character that is all about being invulnerable and more bad-ass than anyone around her. But after an episode tirelessly battling the conspiracy to assassinate her father, this is her finally seeing the lights of his helicopter as he touches down, safe and sound, and the look on her face gets me every time. It's just disbelief, relief, exhaustion, satisfaction- 'I can't believe I did it, he made it'.

Lol. My Scully icons end up being part serious/part facetious, depending on my mood. It can be used to indicate a sincere interest in the topic under discussion...or in the sense of 'Oh, Mulder, please tell me more about these alien conspiracies, I just can't get enough of your delusional thinking.'

Speaks for itself! Emily is more awesome than you. :P
I wish I had more icons of her smiling, I definitely cherish this one.

*g* This is Marguerite in the middle of proposing an alliance to a shady individual, secretly trying to buy time before she can eliminate him. It's like, 'Yes, let's work together but be warned, I BITE WHEN DISPLEASED'.
[Roxton knows all about that, lol]

I love this because a) it almost looks like they're holding hands and b) how in sync do they look? Em and Hotch don't get enough alone time out in the field. I'm used to my Duos of Awesome, it cramps my style when they're always surrounded by the team. Don't get me wrong, I love my team, but I want more of these 'partner' moments, pretty please, show?


And another icon meme. *dances* It's not over yet!

1. How do you feel right now?

2. What's your favorite pastime?

3. Do you consider yourself a strange person?

4. What's your favorite fandom?
First of all:


TIE. I love them both equally.
SGA for its three awesome seasons, TM for giving me back my faith in fandom.
Long live fluffy shippy scenes!

And in conclusion:"

5. OTP?

6. How do you describe yourself?

7. How do others describe you?

[I like to think the former, anyway]
Hehe. >:D You all think I'm insane. Come, catch my disease. :P

8. What's your favorite icon to use that's not default?

Don't make me choose. I need both my awesome pretties!

9. Do you have an icon of your future husband/wife?

I can haz both? *hopeful eyes*

10. Do you have a LOLWHUT icon?

meme, odakota_rose, icons

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