(no subject)

Nov 03, 2007 22:53

Signs you’re suffering from semester burnout:
~ Your absence exceeds your attendance *guilty look*
~ Thoughts of the upcoming weekend help you make it through Monday
[especially when it’s the week of exams *FLAILS*]
~ You have spent more time calculating that you need only 62% on the final to pass the class than actual time spent studying for the final

Ah, calculating the minimum score to guarantee a pass.

[I feel that 62% mentioned above is way too optimistic, and far beyond my reach. Besides, what kind of math is that? Duh, you only need 50% to pass the unit. Morons. What, in their little world half of a 100% is 62%? Huh?]

My chances of success:


Well, I don’t want to say it’s ‘in the bag’, but I’m feeling cautiously hopeful. The breakdown is 20% for essay 1, 40% for essay 2 and 40% for the exam.

Essay 1- scored 75%= 15 marks
Essay 2- scored 80%= 32 marks

Therefore, if my logic is correct, I have 47 marks and need only 3 more to pass my unit. As the exam is worth 40%, that means I need to score 3/0.4= 7.5. Oh god. I only need 8% to pass my unit? I must have done something wrong here, but I can’t see it, and you know, right now, my confidence levels really need to know that I can pass at least ONE unit this semester, ‘kay?

Though if any math whizzes are reading this and you see a flaw in there, and I really need like, 70 %, let me know because right now, Soc is at the bottom of my list of priorities. XP

I’m majorly freaked, though. Essay 2? I did it like, the day before it was due, put the least amount of effort imaginable, and she LIKED it. ‘Well done, well-written, well-structured, well-reframed and a strong argument…You should do Honors. Come and see me.’


My hands were shaking. I kept sneaking glances at that glorious High Distinction, because I’d resigned myself to P’s for the rest of my course, or even C’s. Maybe a D if I really dared to dream, but omg, to actually get an HD? Totally shocking. And cool. But ultimately scary because she wants me to do Honors! I mean, me, the screw-up. How does that compute? And she wants to see me. Oh, dear god, no. All I strive for are P’s, I don’t want to dream, I don’t want to aim for something and risk disappointment. Leave me alone, Karen, I’m beyond salvation. You can’t fix me, don’t you dare believe in me.


Due to their ineptness, the results needed to complete our report were not available til the last week of the unit, so the report was split in two pieces- the first had a partial abstract, an intro, method and participants section. Which was interesting because we had no clue how many people would respond, what ratios of male to female would be evident, what the average age would be…stupid, stupid report.

The latter half was a complete abstract, the results and discussion. I handed that in yesterday and the exam is next Tuesday, so unfortunately, I can’t calculate with any degree of certainty what I need to pass the unit. Grr.

The breakdown here is 25% for part 1, 25% for part 2, and 50% for the exam.

Part 1= 18 marks
Part 2= let’s say 12 marks, approximately 50%. Just for the heck of it.

So I would have 30 marks, and need 20 more to pass. Which makes it 20/0.5= 40%


I love that for my arts units, I can basically fail the exam and pass anyway. *loves*

And seriously, psych is a joke. In Year 12, our exam was about two hours long, and we had to answer multiple choice, short answer and essay type questions.

For second year uni Psych, we have 150 multiple choice questions in two hours. So we get practically a minute per question! That is insane! And ENTIRELY multiple choice, I mean, WHOA is that awesome.

I don’t want to say it’s in the bag…but… ;)

Now, I meet my doom.

Misleading Conduct and Economic Torts:

[As of this moment, I’ve started topic 5. Of 17. Guess who’s screwed?]

I scored 18 marks on an essay worth 30%. And the exam’s worth 70%. Oh god.

So. *determinedly upbeat* To pass, I only need:
50 - 18 = 32/ 0.7= 46%

Which doesn’t sound that bad, but this is law. They kick your ass for the heck of it. They delight in the most savage, spirit-sapping, morale-draining exams ever. After 3 hours and 45 minutes of torture, you will want to lie down and die. This is how they weed out the dedicated from the slackers, the truly crazed and passionate from their normal brethren who will run screaming from this insanity and give up all thoughts of being lawyers. They break us to find who can withstand the pressure and soldier on. This is how lawyers become the scumbags that reputation brands us- we were brutalized, so we take delight in doing unto others what was done unto us. YOU MUST ALL SUFFER.

Eeep. Sometimes the hands type while the brain is unaware. Of course it’s not true, lawyers are decent people that care about your physical and emotional wellbeing, your family’s welfare, and if we like a bit of financial compensation, well, what of it?

And last but not least.

Constitutional Law.

What a joke. I know nothing of our constitution. The term ‘screwed’ doesn’t even cover how deep a hole I’ve dug for myself. If I’m not six feet under by the end of this, it’ll be a miracle. Because I might just have to kill myself when I get my results back.

Anyway, there was one optional essay, which I didn’t do. So I need 50%, period.

Yikes. So utterly frelled.

Damn you, internet! It’s all your fault!

Things I learned in college:

~ That it doesn’t matter how late I scheduled my first class- I’d still sleep through it
~ That college kids throw airplanes too
~ That I would be one of those people my parents warned me about
~ That you can know everything and fail a test
~ That you can know nothing and ace a test
~ That psychology is really biology, that biology is really chemistry, that chemistry is really physics and physics is really maths.


scumbag lawyers, freaked out, exams

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