'Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel...'

Jan 21, 2009 15:15

'...but do not dull thy palm with entertainment of each new-hatch'd unfledg'd comrade...'

My grandfather used to love this quote, we'd all groan but chime in. All I could ever remember was grappling with hoops of steel, lol.

I don’t know if this will make sense to anyone who doesn’t share my brain, but I have a theory. It occurred to me while I was ( Read more... )

gossip girl, kyle xy

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Comments 15

a_kopite_roars January 21 2009, 11:34:07 UTC
Gossip girl is strangely addicting. Esp Blair makes it even more so.
The dude in Kyle XY looks exactly like James Lafferty from One Tree Hill.


borg_princess January 21 2009, 23:32:45 UTC
Dude, I've gotten over my contempt for soaps in a big way. GG is love. Blair is the reason I watch, I always want her to pull it together and win the day but... sadly, no, she keeps getting one-upped. *sadface*

Ha, I just went and googled James Lafferty- there is a striking resemblance, I think it's the chiselled jaw, you know, the strong masculine features and all that. I'm such a sucker for that kind of thing. :D


a_kopite_roars January 21 2009, 23:55:11 UTC
Hehe me too...his jaws inspire me :p


odakota_rose January 22 2009, 00:53:16 UTC
*ponders* I never actually watched either of these shows. I can't quite swing the soapie type shows usually. But in random news, I found something I've been looking for for the past few months today: A download of the soundtrack for Fly Away Home.
Yes, I know. Totally random information that you didn't ask for. I really can't help it, it's such happy music :P


borg_princess January 22 2009, 01:24:38 UTC
You know, I'd work on getting you into these shows, but I already did CM and am currently working on The Lost World, so...you have a reprieve. LOL.

[Though Kyle XY is really enjoyable. Soapies are usually a guilty pleasure but it has sci-fi concepts, dude. Note the lack of belly button in the promo pic? *nods significantly* What does that tell you?]

Btw, I want to recommend you check out this deleted scene from TLW. It's actually a collection of scenes, but the first one [about a minute long] is the only one that wasn't in the pilot, I think, and really the most important thing. I can't believe they sacrificed it when there was so much else they could've booted. *rolls eyes* It makes me giggle so much, and just shows how Marguerite and Roxton are destined to be together. *snickers* Totally. You can so feel the warmth and affection. *HOWLS WITH LAUGHTER* >:D

I found something I've been looking for for the past few months today: A download of the soundtrack for Fly Away Home.Aww, that's good! I know how satisfying it is to finally ( ... )


odakota_rose February 9 2009, 04:45:34 UTC
*smirky* Sure. But I love that icon for a lot of reasons. Mainly because I can totally see it as a Vala moment and it's starting to give me a plot bunny. Bwah.

[Yeah, I was wondering about that. Was he artificially grown or cloned or something? Or is he an alien? But I sometimes decide it's better not to ask. Now that you've mentioned it though...]

Yeah, I watched that one a couple times actually. If anything, I can safely say that it's got that initial tension/"I don't want to like you, but I don't know I can help it" going on, which just gets me, alright?
Sooo.. Possibly I shall have to watch this show. *tries to resist the tug*

I'm pretty sure I'll need therapy if I were to watch True Blood, so I'm just not going there. Nope.


borg_princess February 9 2009, 05:23:43 UTC
I love that icon for a lot of reasons. Mainly because I can totally see it as a Vala moment and it's starting to give me a plot bunny.

The 'dangerous' icon? Because I want to glee but I want to check before I do. ;P

And ohh, Vala fic? Well, I'm aiding and abetting that. Bunnies, attack! >:D

[If you really want to know...they toss around the alien idea for kicks and giggles but he was actually grown in a pod- apparently, the longer a person is in the womb, the more their brain develops and the smarter they are, so he's grow in a pod environment that simulates an artificial womb, which is why he's super smart and has powerzzz]

I'm trying not to be too excited at your reaction, but I'm pleased. Watching it a few times is a good sign, hee! Don't resist! Don't resist! :D

"I don't want to like you, but I don't know I can help itSee, you're not even a fan yet and you totally get this show, and the ship's dynamic. I'm so proud! *squishes ( ... )


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