'Friends- can't reason with them, can't shoot them...'

Jan 06, 2009 14:44

I was just wondering why my back and particularly my right shoulder are sore.

Then I remembered PLAYING TENNIS with mother this morning. The height of insanity, I tell you. I have a mandatory wake-up time of 7:30, which I am seriously pissed over because eight and a half hours of sleep just doesn't cut it for me. Then I take momentary leave of my senses and agree to rise at 7 AM to play tennis, for god's sake. *headdesk*

The bad news is that I lost. But I can count the number of times I've played in the last five years on one hand, so considering that I'm a decade out of regular practice, I acquitted myself well.

My problem is stamina, for one thing. I WON the first three...uh, sets, I think they're called? Then lost steadily after that, ending up with mother trouncing me 6-4. That's decent, right? Did I mention i haven't played in years? *sighs* I insist I'm not competitive, because I hate losing and the best way to avoid that is to never compete, but it does sting a little. *broods*

The other problem is that I thwack the ball wayyyy too hard. I mean, I have no idea how people play TABLE tennis because I'm doing the real thing, aiming for a gentle pat but end up hitting the ball from one end of the court straight into the fence on the other side. It's great for anger issues, very therapeutic, but hell on my stats.

I'd complain more about my aching muscles but then I remember sapphs poor savaged finger [the mental images! Yikes!] and consider that I could be in worse shape.

real life, tennis

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