True Love

Oct 27, 2013 22:17

OMG, JMo is flawless. I saw a link to an article in which she addressed the topic of Swan Queen and despite my heavy heart, I could not prevent myself from clicking on it, even though I expected the worst - after insensitive comments from Ginnifer Goodwin and other actors on the show, I had every reason to believe it would be more negativity. AND ( Read more... )

sleeping warrior, swan queen, emma swan, once upon a time, aurora/mulan, fandom rambling, regina/emma

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hoshinekoyasha October 28 2013, 03:16:01 UTC
ten points to slytherin for the cordy gif.

I had to quit ouat because this is how the writers treat sq :(


borg_princess November 1 2013, 01:06:46 UTC
She has perfect reactions to everything, ha.

And ugh, that gif is painfully accurate, OUAT PTB are the worst. I quit it halfway through season 1 when they brought August in and diminished Emma's agency and it's only gotten worse. Living for the fandom, tbh.

obv not including the fans that are anti-SQ


hoshinekoyasha November 1 2013, 08:44:58 UTC


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