1) Go to your Calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2011. Post the first line of it in your journal, and that's your "Year In Review."
I added my entry titles as well, either for context in a couple or because I like looking at the lyrics and remembering the different songs I’ve been hooked on this year. ^_^
January: this is an angry post
I am so sick of my family assuming stuff about me.
Febuary: 'oh, you're in my veins and i cannot get you out...'
Another week, another family drama.
April: this is a vent post
I wish my father were dead.
May: 'does anybody know how to hold my heart? 'Cause I don't want to let go, let go, let go too soon...'
I shouldn’t need a disclaimer, ‘coz you all know I’m crazy.
June: '...my love, any time will do, no choice of words will break me from this groove...'
July: 'some claw the ground, some cut the air, some warm the seas, but what will you be and when?'
My mother: be warned, I am getting all warm ‘n fuzzy over my wonderful mama
August: ‘...i'm the fury in your head, i'm the fury in your bed, i'm the ghost in the back of your head...'
Happy-making things!
September: ‘...and then one you're saving for a rainy day, if your lover ever takes her love away...'
I know I have social issues.
October: 'you'll find your way back down, and i'll keep the area clear (please clear the area)...'
Can I just say I love how many new shows there are that I’m interested in checking out!
November: 'it was all so strange and so surreal that a ghost should be so practical, only if for a night...’
Person of Interest.
December: 'i've been scrawling it forever, but it never makes sense to me at all...'
RL: I attended a Mental Health First Aid course recently.
From my brief scan over a year of posts, there's been a significant change- for the better. It's pretty cool how my posts have gone from being half-happy, half-angsty in the first half of the year to mostly happy in the latter. I feel no connection to the girl I was in April who was utterly miserable and fixated on suicide because she couldn't see anything worth in life. It's incredible how much more stable and positive and content I am these days. ^_^
2) The one all over my flist! (for anyone who's as clueless as I and cannot work out where to take the quiz, burningxhope was kind enough to
link me)
3) Give me a fandom and I'll tell you:
1. The first character I fell in love with:
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t:
4. The character I love that everyone else hates:
5. The character I would shag anytime:
6. The character I’d want to be like:
7. The character I’d slap:
8. Favorite character:
9. Who are your five favorite characters?
10. Who are your five least favorite characters?
11. Which character are you most like?
12. What is your deep, dark secret regarding this?
13. A pairing that I love:
14. A pairing that I despise:
Vidspam: I do love it when trailers executed in a different fandom are done well! How cool is it?!
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