question for my HP flisters

Nov 21, 2011 16:05

I'm writing for a slash prompt in a fic exchange and I'm wondering what you guys think the wizarding world's attitude to same-sex couples would be. I'm not sure if the general attitude would be all 'zomg, two witches/wizards can't be in a relationship, that's just wrong' or if they'd be totally accepting and all 'pfft, love is love, it's only silly Muggles who are prejudiced about things like that'.

In a few SSHG fics I've read, there has been a secondary Harry/Draco ship, and the only obstacles they face are the fact that they're Slytherin and Gryffindor, that they were on different sides in the war and they have an intense rivalry that's broken out into violent fights over several years. Basically, it's who they are as people that throws up road-blocks in their relationship, not the fact that they're both male. And if other people (*cough*RON*cough*) overreact and get all OMGWTF over them liking each other, it's only because it's Draco, that no-good Slytherin they've had a long-standing enmity with, not because he's a guy.

I wanted to go with that, because well, tbh, I'm not planning on writing an epic fic, just a few thousand words and I don't think I have the ability to do justice to all the social issues and anxieties and everything. It's only that I had a look at a few fics for this couple and I saw a review that criticized an author for handwaving away those issues and making it way too easy for the two characters to get together and how there should've been some conflict or at least soul-searching over being attracted to someone of the same sex and worrying about what others would think, etc. etc. So now I'm second-guessing myself, argh.

So, er, if you have an opinion on this, I'd be grateful, especially if you read slash HP fics, I'd like to hear how the pairings in those fics react to these issues and whether authors deal with it or not.

Also helpful is if those characters have been in a relationship with someone of the opposite sex and only realize later they're gay, do the authors go with this idyllic version of the WW where that's no issue at all, you love who you love (male, female...goats... *forever side-eyes JKR for that*), or...yeah. I just don't feel like I know how to really write that conflict, but I don't want to come off as being insensitive or something if I pretend it's not a problem. *clutches head* (basically, I hate writing relationships in general, I always do gen-fic or something with UST undertones, I suck at writing romance, so I never go that far, lol)

Jeez, I thought SSHG was hard to do justice to, but this pairing is giving me a lot to think about! My previous two exchanges I did a gen-fic with Harry and Hermione as kids, then I had SSHG, but this is new territory to explore. *ponders* IDK, I might up end up going with a different prompt, one that's more gen-ish so that I don't give the recipient something that sucks 'coz I couldn't get their ship right, but I'd like to give this a go before I give up.

harry potter!verse

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