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iheartnickcath November 16 2011, 04:53:45 UTC
It makes you wonder if fences is all thats going to protect us, we're going to die!


I'm going to try and get in to team_evilregina I'm listing you as a referral, hope that is okay :) and that is awesome that they are using your icons, you deserve it :)

I'm trying to fight almost every Regina and Evil Queen ship there is right now.. Why? Because I will so overboard if I do it. It'll be like *insert new person on screen, oooh you'd be hot with Regina or the evil queen* than bam, ship mode.. but its so hard to not want to ship though, but I really hope someone comes along and just loves her for her, good or bad. :) Yeah can it be Charming? No?? Graham?? No??.. Emma?? No??.. see, told you my ship side is going to take over

I liked the bonding between Cinderella and Snow White, that was really cute scene. It also is like what we would do, you know, grab your friend to dance with them, lol.

Henry is starting to annoy me a little. I just keep looking for something to whack him out or something, lol. He gets by with way to much. I get he wants to bond with Emma, but throwing that 'mom' stuff in Regina's face is just wrong, I think he's forgetting she is the woman that took care of him all those years. It's like a slap in the face, its rude. I hope something goes down to make him realize that instead of being a brat about it. Regina always could give him up lol.

You know you make a good point, about Cinderella, if he told her she wouldn't have him in this world or the next, why does she have her prince?

Also something else, Didn't they all say that Emma would find Snow and Charming, on her birthday? But yet she really didn't. She was in her town, then Henry showed up, and they were in the car, and then at Regina's. She didn't really see Snow until the next day when he ran away, right?

*rambling over* :)


borg_princess November 19 2011, 05:49:26 UTC
It makes you wonder if fences is all thats going to protect us, we're going to die!

LOL, totally. Me no trust fences.

I'm going to try and get in to team_evilregina I'm listing you as a referral, hope that is okay :)

Ofc that's okay! And it'd be great to have you as a team-mate, fingers crossed!

that is awesome that they are using your icons, you deserve it :)

D'aww! *snugglesquish* Thanks. :D

I'm trying to fight almost every Regina and Evil Queen ship there is right now.. Why? Because I will so overboard if I do it. It'll be like *insert new person on screen, oooh you'd be hot with Regina or the evil queen* than bam, ship mode..

THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT MY MIND IS LIKE. I ship everyone in the show with Queen Regina, tbh. I started off all Regina/Gold, and then my brainwashing flister has been pimping regina_emma (yet another comm with my icon as a userpic, lol!) and I saw interviews with Lana Parrilla and Josh Dallas and now I'm seeing Queen Regina/Prince Charming...AUGH, WHAT IS MY BRAIN.

I really hope someone comes along and just loves her for her, good or bad. :)


can it be me? Hello, self-insert fic! NO, BAD, SELF, DO NOT DO THIS.

But that's why I'm not enthusiastic about her and Graham- I feel that he's not into her at all, and that he's on Emma's side (especially with him hiring her over Regina's antipathy toward her and scheming to get her out of town) and it'll hurt me if he betrays Regina or undermines her for Emma. >_<

I liked the bonding between Cinderella and Snow White, that was really cute scene

SO ADORABLE, I want to squish them both!

Henry is starting to annoy me a little. I just keep looking for something to whack him out or something, lol. He gets by with way to much. I get he wants to bond with Emma, but throwing that 'mom' stuff in Regina's face is just wrong,

ILU. That is exactly how I feel about Henry. He's so entitled and bratty and he refuses to listen to either woman, when they tell him what to do for his own good, he just merrily goes on his way, disregarding their instructions, breaking rules, STEALING FROM HIS TEACHER AND BARGING INTO HER HOME WHENEVER HE FEELS LIKE IT, and he never gets punished or faces consequences for making a nuisance of himself.

I also take it very personally the way he tells Regina she's not his mother and keeps talking about Emma. >_<

You know you make a good point, about Cinderella, if he told her she wouldn't have him in this world or the next, why does she have her prince?

Ack, a couple of clever flisters have pointed out that since Emma made a deal with him, it nullified Cinderella's earlier deal, so she gets to be happy now. Interesting that it takes precedence over the curse that's supposed to make everyone suffer...

She was in her town, then Henry showed up, and they were in the car, and then at Regina's. She didn't really see Snow until the next day when he ran away, right?

Oh, good point! Either the show made a mistake there or prophecies/Rumpelstiltskin's predictions aren't foolproof.


iheartnickcath November 19 2011, 20:51:26 UTC
LOL, totally. Me no trust fences.

Fences are bad.

Ofc that's okay! And it'd be great to have you as a team-mate, fingers crossed!

I'm in :D

D'aww! *snugglesquish* Thanks. :D

*snugglesquish* Welcome :)

THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT MY MIND IS LIKE. I ship everyone in the show with Queen Regina, tbh. I started off all Regina/Gold, and then my brainwashing flister has been pimping regina_emma (yet another comm with my icon as a userpic, lol!) and I saw interviews with Lana Parrilla and Josh Dallas and now I'm seeing Queen Regina/Prince Charming...AUGH, WHAT IS MY BRAIN.

Yay! Someone in the Queen Regina/Prince Charming boat with :D Theory, he couldn't kill her, that's why he yelled at her, so she knew the sword was coming because he hearts her She makes it so easy to ship her with everyone.

But that's why I'm not enthusiastic about her and Graham- I feel that he's not into her at all, and that he's on Emma's side (especially with him hiring her over Regina's antipathy toward her and scheming to get her out of town) and it'll hurt me if he betrays Regina or undermines her for Emma. >_<

I get the feeling it'll feel like a betrayal to Regina when she finds out about him hiring Emma. I hate the idea of her being hurt. I know she'll play it off like she's not and fire him or something, but it still sucks that she's going to be the one hurt by it. Charming should rescue her

ILU. That is exactly how I feel about Henry. He's so entitled and bratty and he refuses to listen to either woman, when they tell him what to do for his own good, he just merrily goes on his way, disregarding their instructions, breaking rules, STEALING FROM HIS TEACHER AND BARGING INTO HER HOME WHENEVER HE FEELS LIKE IT, and he never gets punished or faces consequences for making a nuisance of himself.

I also take it very personally the way he tells Regina she's not his mother and keeps talking about Emma. >_<

I get his mom is the mayor, well don't ask him that, but still. I get that getting him arrested would lead to trouble, but yet, why do none of them tell him 'its not okay to do this or that' and yeah, I agree, he doesn't listen to either of them, he plays it off and does whatever and its stupid. Any other kid would be getting grounded and all that other stuff, but nooo Henry gets by with it, which is setting what example to the kids watching?

Regina needs to beat his ass for that. I mean seriously, that's just messed up. He needs to remember that before he found Emma, Regina was the one taking care of him, there for every tantrum he had, clothed him, fed him, gave him a place to live, when Emma gave him up!. I get he's got it that she's the evil queen, but he needs to realize what all Regina really gave up for him. Yeah, he's older now so she can do more things now, but still. She was there for it all. (even though we didn't really get to see it, but still, there!)

Ack, a couple of clever flisters have pointed out that since Emma made a deal with him, it nullified Cinderella's earlier deal, so she gets to be happy now. Interesting that it takes precedence over the curse that's supposed to make everyone suffer...

I think they really forgot that memo.

Oh, good point! Either the show made a mistake there or prophecies/Rumpelstiltskin's predictions aren't foolproof.

I'd laugh my ass off if Emma's not really the 'savor' then.


borg_princess November 22 2011, 03:49:16 UTC
Yay! Someone in the Queen Regina/Prince Charming boat with :D Theory, he couldn't kill her, that's why he yelled at her, so she knew the sword was coming because he hearts her She makes it so easy to ship her with everyone.

IKR?! I am joining ALL THE COMMS with her, no matter what the pairing, I ship Regina/Happiness, tbqh, whoever that's with is a-okay with me!

And yesss, I can get behind Regina and Charming- if he were serious about trying to kill her, he should've just thrown the sword, 'coz that would've ended all their troubles in an instant, so it's suss that he WARNS THE WOMAN THREATENING HIS BRIDE ON THEIR WEDDING DAY. *wiggles eyebrows*

I get the feeling it'll feel like a betrayal to Regina when she finds out about him hiring Emma. I hate the idea of her being hurt. I know she'll play it off like she's not and fire him or something, but it still sucks that she's going to be the one hurt by it. Charming should rescue her

Haha, I will totally look for all the Regina/Charming subtext in every ep with you now!

And yesss, you have articulated my feelings exactly- she will feel that betrayal, because he's meant to her right-hand man and he's defecting to the enemy, but she'll put on the Ice Queen facade and shrug it off like it don't matter BUT IT WILL BE GNAWING AWAY AT HER HEART THE WHOLE TIME, UGH.

why do none of them tell him 'its not okay to do this or that' and yeah, I agree, he doesn't listen to either of them, he plays it off and does whatever and its stupid. Any other kid would be getting grounded and all that other stuff, but nooo Henry gets by with it, which is setting what example to the kids watching?

EXACTLY. I am so relieved to have someone who gets my frustration on this note. He gets away with everything and he's got all the ladies wrapped around his little finger and UGH.

I get it on a psychological level, though. I think it's because Regina is so afraid of Emma undermining her relationship with Henry that she doesn't look at any of his actions except those involving Emma and trying to do damage control to retain him in her life. That's why she's not bothering to do anything about his other transgressions, she only cares about punishing him for anything in relation to Emma. She could care less about discipling him over stealing!

And for Emma, this is her son that she's regretted giving up for years and years, so I can see why she's not going to tread on any toes, she's stepping lightly 'coz she wants him in her life and for him to love her, so she's going to be the Disney mom, basically, caving and letting him get his way 'coz she's so grateful to be able to get to know him.

Mary Margaret...IDEK what her excuse is. O.o She subconsciously senses he's her grandson and so she doesn't care? *shrug*

But all that aside, I want the brat punished for something, damn it!

He needs to remember that before he found Emma, Regina was the one taking care of him, there for every tantrum he had, clothed him, fed him, gave him a place to live, when Emma gave him up!.

I lol'd so hard at his emo angst, 'MY LIFE IS SO HORRIBLE, SHE DOESN'T LOVE ME'. That's why he has such a cushy life without any deprivation or consequences for his actions and why we see her bending over backwards to try to get his affection. O.o

I'd laugh my ass off if Emma's not really the 'savor' then

It'd be kinda hilarious! It's not gonna happen, 'coz the show is based around her being the Hope for Happy Endings, but man, that'd be funny!

I like the idea that Rumpelstiltskin's vision of the future might be subject to change, though. That could be interesting to play with.


iheartnickcath November 22 2011, 05:20:03 UTC
IKR?! I am joining ALL THE COMMS with her, no matter what the pairing, I ship Regina/Happiness, tbqh, whoever that's with is a-okay with me!

And yesss, I can get behind Regina and Charming- if he were serious about trying to kill her, he should've just thrown the sword, 'coz that would've ended all their troubles in an instant, so it's suss that he WARNS THE WOMAN THREATENING HIS BRIDE ON THEIR WEDDING DAY. *wiggles eyebrows*

Ooh what coms does she have? Any Her and Charming ones? ;)

Exactly, he stopped Snow from doing it with the sword, and he yelled at her to let her know. I mean seriously, Why do that if your not into her?.. Charming ♥ Evil Queen :D

Haha, I will totally look for all the Regina/Charming subtext in every ep with you now!

And yesss, you have articulated my feelings exactly- she will feel that betrayal, because he's meant to her right-hand man and he's defecting to the enemy, but she'll put on the Ice Queen facade and shrug it off like it don't matter BUT IT WILL BE GNAWING AWAY AT HER HEART THE WHOLE TIME, UGH.

haha, we will rule!! .. I can just see us, really.

She'll act like she won't care, but we all know she does. But it's supposed to have her the happy one so she better get it. Charming, totally

EXACTLY. I am so relieved to have someone who gets my frustration on this note. He gets away with everything and he's got all the ladies wrapped around his little finger and UGH.

I get it on a psychological level, though. I think it's because Regina is so afraid of Emma undermining her relationship with Henry that she doesn't look at any of his actions except those involving Emma and trying to do damage control to retain him in her life. That's why she's not bothering to do anything about his other transgressions, she only cares about punishing him for anything in relation to Emma. She could care less about discipling him over stealing!

And for Emma, this is her son that she's regretted giving up for years and years, so I can see why she's not going to tread on any toes, she's stepping lightly 'coz she wants him in her life and for him to love her, so she's going to be the Disney mom, basically, caving and letting him get his way 'coz she's so grateful to be able to get to know him.

Mary Margaret...IDEK what her excuse is. O.o She subconsciously senses he's her grandson and so she doesn't care? *shrug*

But all that aside, I want the brat punished for something, damn it!

I get their trying to play the fairytale thing, but if their in OUR world, then he should be getting his ass busted at anytime, because we don't get by with half of what he does.

Brat needs to get in trouble.. lol

I lol'd so hard at his emo angst, 'MY LIFE IS SO HORRIBLE, SHE DOESN'T LOVE ME'. That's why he has such a cushy life without any deprivation or consequences for his actions and why we see her bending over backwards to try to get his affection. O.o

I thought he was adorable at first, but now, he's just freaking annoying. Regina looks like an awesome mom and he's taking her for a ride because his real mommy is back. I'd kick him, but I'd go to jail.. jail, hmm, wonder if we can put him in Rumpelstiltskin's jail for awhile.

It'd be kinda hilarious! It's not gonna happen, 'coz the show is based around her being the Hope for Happy Endings, but man, that'd be funny!

I like the idea that Rumpelstiltskin's vision of the future might be subject to change, though. That could be interesting to play with.

Still be something to laugh our asses about. ;)

*nods* totally. Well he was wrong on the birthday thing. Things could change as they go along :P


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