I actually really enjoyed The Secret Circle. I was rather wary, having heard less than flattering reviews of it- worse than Twilight? Say it ain’t so! Thankfully, for me, personally, it not only exceeded those low standards but was quite entertaining. ^_^
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Woohoo, lookit you getting a social life, girl! WHO ARE YOU?!
I’m glad you get what I mean about Faye! Like, later on, she did fit the bad girl image more (although even then- ALL SHE DID WAS TURN OFF THE LIGHTS. I mean, they had badass music rocking that scene and she’s like, being all eco-friendly? It’s not like she’s beating people up or anything!) but she was actually being nice at the start, so yeah.
I just chafe at writers trying to manipulate my attitude- if they want to make me dislike someone, they gotta work at it, y’know? (same with if they want me to regard someone else as a good guy. UNRELATED WILL RAGE IS RAGE-Y AND UNRELATED but omg, you are so insidious, I can’t stop seeing Will/Sue anvils now)
I was all "lol who cares about Cassie being with that one guy, ship her with Faye!"
YESSSS. *high five* You make me so happy right now! Everyone else, like on ontd_tsc, is shipping Diana and Faye (EVEN THOUGH IN THE BOOKS THEY ARE COUSINS) and I feel like the sad little loner in the corner, holding up my Cassie/Faye signpost.
Also, lol’ing at how this fits my ship theme- she set the other half of my magical OTP ON FIRE. (this seems familiar)
Lol, Neville! BAMF!Neville, I assume? Although, in retrospect, he was always cooler than people thought he was. Yeah, the mimbleus mimbletonia was a serious threat to his social status, but he’s the guy that was confident enough to ask Hermione to the Yule Ball, and when she turned him down, he shrugged it off and asked Ginny. That’s more courage than Harry and Ron had!
LOL. Well, do not be too shocked about my ~social life, it was just me going to dinner with my mother and her friend. I AM SO POPULAR.
Faye I can see as being sneaky nice. That kind of love to hate type of thing.
I can’t stop seeing Will/Sue anvils now
LOL SO TRUE. When there's two characters, and I ask myself: "do the two people like each other?" If the answer is no, what do I do? SHIP IT. (The other day I was reading GoT and I got to a part and I was reminded of a couple that I sort of shipped when watching the show, but then when reading the book I was like, "wow, I ship it." You will NEVER guess who they are. Do you have people in your mind? Okay...
Tyrion/Catelyn. I TOLD YOU. WTF. I really wonder if I had something happen to me in my childhood, where some kid that may have bullied me and then I had a crush on them, because idk, always, ALWAYS with the hateships with me.
But, yeah. Cassie/Faye. Maybe if I get into the show, I will go and join you in that lonely ship. But WTF these are books?! I'm not really surprised though, tbh lol.
Also, lol’ing at how this fits my ship theme- she set the other half of my magical OTP ON FIRE.
I love our shipping preferences <3
BAMF!Neville and nervous!Neville! :D I always loved Neville. He was very under appreciated and I always frowned when people didn't call him "Gryffindor enough" :(
But- SOMEONE OUTSIDE THE FAMILY WAS INVOLVED. THIS IS MAJOR. I've only been out to lunch with mother. Like, the last year or so, it's only been mother. Not that I mind- she pays, hehe.
Faye I can see as being sneaky nice. That kind of love to hate type of thing.
I don't want to hate her! But sneaky nice, yeah, like she gives attitude but then she does nice things- helping Cassie unlock her locker, for instance. Which...is trumped by nearly getting her killed later on and relentlessly stalking her, but oh well. (I seriously love how the second ep is all about her wanting to get close to Cassie, literally linking arms with her and dragging her away from a convo with another chick, haha! IT IS LOOOOOVE)
When there's two characters, and I ask myself: "do the two people like each other?" If the answer is no, what do I do? SHIP IT.
AND I ADORE THIS ABOUT YOU, JSYK. It is so similar to how my mind works. (in the second ep, Cassie and Faye explode each other's beakers in science! Faye did it to annoy Cassie and she did it because her ~feelings were out of control, haha)
The other day I was reading GoT and I got to a part and I was reminded of a couple that I sort of shipped when watching the show, but then when reading the book I was like, "wow, I ship it." You will NEVER guess who they are.
I didn't guess, BUT YOU KNOW WHAT, I TOTALLY SAW SHIPPY POTENTIAL THERE. HAH. I mean, he saved her life, yo. The woman who's arrested him? Come on. And there were some unspoken communication moments going on there that I picked up on. VIBES, OKAY. (tbh, I kinda saw that with her and Jaime as well- how twisted is that? The guy that tried to kill her son! AND her husband! Lol, I think I beat you for twisted and unexpected!)
I really wonder if I had something happen to me in my childhood, where some kid that may have bullied me and then I had a crush on them, because idk, always, ALWAYS with the hateships with me.
HMM. Interesting theory. I never really looked to my own life for an explanation. *ponders*
WTF these are books?! I'm not really surprised though, tbh lol.
It's by the Vampire Diaries woman, I think!
I always frowned when people didn't call him "Gryffindor enough" :(
I saw a secret about that just the other day on FS. 'I was glad when Neville killed Nagini because he never seemed like a Gryffindor before then'. *headdeskwallfloor* I hate this idea one must fight evil and slay monsters to be brave. TBH, that moment in first year when he stood up to the trio was ridiculously brave.
(and I forever hate that the kids were rewarded for breaking rules- I mean, Hermione attacked a classmate! IDC if they thought they had reason, they were such delinquents, zomg! And no punishment at all, UGH. The lack of discipline and hatred toward anyone who tries to enforce rules never ceases to infuriate me)
I need to download the second episode! I forgot when I was at school today, bleh. But it sounds like there is so much potential between them! Such an interesting relationship. I think that's why I like ships like that; because we all know the "perfect" in love, courting, type of relationships, so give me something different!
I AM GLAD YOU DO <3 I ALSO ADORE THAT YOU ARE SIMLIAR TBH. But omg yay so happy I'm not the only one that saw the shippy potiental! When I first noticed I was all "ummmm am I the only one that ships Tyrion/Cat" on twitter and nobody else agreed with me! Lame. But those are the reasons I ship them! He saved her dispite she was holding them prisoner, and there's that whole ~rival houses thing. Oh, and since Tyrion is such a conquestor of women and since Cat is kind of "lol no" I can see him wanting that, since she's hard to get? IDK IT MAKES SENSE IN MY HEAD.
I didn't see it with Jamie at first but now I totally see it too! I will sit in the ship Lannister bros/Cat Stark with you *nods*
HMM. Interesting theory. I never really looked to my own life for an explanation. *ponders*
I think it's maybe because of the reason I wrote earlier; while cute totally in Love ships are great (ex: Doctor/Rose, etc) the ones that bring the different feelings are awesomeeeee. Because there's this connection between them, and if they can get over that disdain for each other, wow, passionate relationship. Love and hate are both emotions of passion, and in some quote I once read (can't remember the source) - to hate somebody, you have to care enough about them to give the effort to you know, hate them.
UGHHHH HATEEEE. I hate those House stereotypes. Not every Slytherin is sneaky and death eater!evil, not every Ravenclaw is a super scholar (me for one, I'm super lazy bones), not every Puff is a pushover, not every Gryffindor is a "run right into battle" warrior. UGH. There's different types of bravery, it's just that Neville has a different kind than the Trio. Like Percy - while I will forever stand by my thought that he was the Weasley that maybe should have been in Slytherin, he had the bravery to break away from his family unit, and then come back and admit he was wrong, etc. (But really, to me, ~ambition is Percy's standout trait. But I think what also makes him more Lion is his strong sense of right and wrong and stern enforcement of rules. IDK)
(Ugh I know! Even though the series was in Harry's POV so we don't really get exposed to other's views, only Harry's where he's all "I AM RIGHT!", sometimes it's like, wtf, they get such special treatment! And how Harry gets to be a first year Seeker! McG totally bended the rules on that one.)
I mostly only have food meetings with my mom. One of my favorite parts is because she pays, also XD
*high five* I feel no guilt. It is a mother's duty! (hence why I shall never reproduce- I don't want to have to spoil someone the way I am, lol!)
it sounds like there is so much potential between them! Such an interesting relationship. I think that's why I like ships like that; because we all know the "perfect" in love, courting, type of relationships, so give me something different!
a) there iiiis! I'm so hoping TPTB keeps developing that potential. I don't need them to be BFFs, just keep up this dynamic and I will be happy, show!
b) yeah, the perfect type of relationships bore me, tbh. There is nothing fascinating about boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, boy and girl live happily ever after.
(mother and I were talking about Kstew's Snow White and the Huntsman and mother reminded me that in the original fairytale, the huntsman was supposed to kill Snow White! And I'm like, damn, I wanna see this movie now...I'd rather the fairytale had her and the huntsman live happily ever after. What's the appeal with the prince, aside from him being rich and noble?
Time passes, and a prince traveling through the land sees Snow White. He strides to her coffin. The prince is enchanted by her beauty and instantly falls in love with her. He begs the dwarves to let him have the coffin.
SERIOUSLY? How creepy is that? He wants the body of a dead girl...who he just fell in love with... SURRISE NECROPHILIA, WHOO
Boring. Give me the 'boy is supposed to kill girl' variation and I will fall for it every time! >:D
He saved her dispite she was holding them prisoner, and there's that whole ~rival houses thing. Oh, and since Tyrion is such a conquestor of women and since Cat is kind of "lol no" I can see him wanting that, since she's hard to get? IDK IT MAKES SENSE IN MY HEAD.
IT TOTES MAKES SENSE TO ME TOO. I think it'd be funny seeing him trying to win her over and she's all icy and aloof, rebuffing him. HA. But seriously, I loved Tyrion for doing the right thing and saving her, even though she was happy to hand him over to be killed. WHOA. <3
I didn't see it with Jamie at first but now I totally see it too! I will sit in the ship Lannister bros/Cat Stark with you *nods*
WHEE! *hugglesmooch* We are so on the same wavelength, mwahaha.
while cute totally in Love ships are great (ex: Doctor/Rose, etc) the ones that bring the different feelings are awesomeeeee. Because there's this connection between them, and if they can get over that disdain for each other, wow, passionate relationship
But see, Doctor/Rose had other elements to it that saved it from being boring and generic- there's him being an immortal Time Lord! Age difference kink, hee.
that isn't too much too ask, show! do ittttt.
There is nothing fascinating about boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, boy and girl live happily ever after.
exactly. This is while I'm so "blah" on Blaine/Kurt. Just...blah.
Oh yeah, it was that he was to kill he in the original! I'd rather have that too, tbh. Who cares about the Prince, with his SURRISE NECROPHILIA and all, lol.
I loved Tyrion for doing the right thing and saving her, even though she was happy to hand him over to be killed. WHOA. <3
YESSSSS. My love for this is gaining the more I talk about it, haha. It was just so perfect! Him being like, "who cares!" and then he just stops, and then all "damn it!" <3 Sadly though, quick googling brings up no fics for them. FOR SHAME. (but when I googled her with the other brother, I saw things about spoilers, so I ran away.)
there's him being an immortal Time Lord! Age difference kink
THIS IS VERY TRUE. Bad example then. And they did have plenty of angst! Him being all "I can't be with you...CURSE OF THE TIME LORDS!!!" My favorite fic of them is when it's Ten 2.0/Rose and the Doctor is all fail and breaking things and "omg being a human sucks" and him missing his TARDIS and and...yeah.
My fave thing is when former enemies are able to semi get over their previous antipathy (possibly 'coz they've been forced to work together for some mutual goal) and they snipe at each other, but in a friendly sort of way, that's how they show affection, lol. It's so much more adorable than regular people bantering because they had more obstacles in the way and further to travel to get to that place. ^_^
to hate somebody, you have to care enough about them to give the effort to you know, hate them.
So true! The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. Love and hate are two sides of the same coin.
not every Ravenclaw is a super scholar (me for one, I'm super lazy bones)
Hahaha! I def think people can be smart without being driven to learn everything and prove it 24/7.
Like Percy - while I will forever stand by my thought that he was the Weasley that maybe should have been in Slytherin, he had the bravery to break away from his family unit, and then come back and admit he was wrong, etc.
DON'T GET ME STARTED ON PERCY. How was he wrong? He wasn't wrong! He had nothing to apologize for! The family mostly, with the exception of Molly, treated him like crap, constantly mocked him, undermined him, literally abused him, it was AWFUL. I'm amazed he stuck it out that long. They treated him unforgivably but he has to come back and apologize and sign up for it all over again? *cuddles him* Poor Percy.
I do think he could've done well in Slytherin, but the family would've disowned/killed him. Can you imagine them accepting that sorting?
I think what also makes him more Lion is his strong sense of right and wrong and stern enforcement of rules.
That makes sense. Gryffs may break rules, but they do have a very black-and-white view of the world, a clear idea of what is good/bad, right/wrong, etc.
sometimes it's like, wtf, they get such special treatment! And how Harry gets to be a first year Seeker! McG totally bended the rules on that one
IFKR? It irks me. >:[ Harry can get two super awesome brooms that far outstrip the quality of everyone else's brooms and make him near unbeatable, that's fine, but Draco gets awesome brooms for himself and his team and all of a sudden it's all THOSE DIRTY ROTTEN CHEATING SLYTHERINS. *stabs*
The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference.
THISSSSS. And this fact is the basis for the majority of my ships.
I love Percy, Percy Weasley appreciation life. I guess what I meant by "wrong" was that everybody else saw it as wrong. When I first read the books I was like 'WHY YOU LEAVE YOUR FAMILY PERCY?" but now I totally understand his motives. It was so awful for him, because he was totally different than the rest of the family.
Can you imagine them accepting that sorting?
OMG that would be...interesting, to say the least. Would they stand by him, even if he got sorted into the other house? Would Percy mind? ...I can't really remember if Percy is ever Slytherin-negative in the books, but I can see him eventually embracing it. And then, maybe Harry wouldn't have minded going into the the house if his new pal Ron had a brother that was in there. Needless to say, I want this AU in fic form, lol.
Harry can get two super awesome brooms
UGHHHH. And I wasn't sure, so I looked it up on wiki but McG bought the Nimbus 2000 for Harry? WTF?! But yeah! Harry gets special treatment, but then Slytherins get cool brooms and noooooooo. The only thing with that though is that Malfoy ~bought his way onto the team, but imo, he proved a pretty capable flyer, so really it was just having the team get better equipment. :|
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