Shiny: I am so in love with
Fade to Grey. I’ve been a little sad lately that I’ve been through all the really great SSHG fics and craving a new epic-length fic and feeling frustrated that I can’t find much good fic for my OTP anymore- then I found this. My SSHG flisters, if you haven’t read it, you really should! (And if you have, why the hell
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Umm. Oh yeah the thing about her teeth. Lol IDK why that stood out to me but. I've only seen it brought up once, in TPWP, and I thought it was well-done and relevant there. Because, I mean, she is a girl, and a sometimes insecure one at that, and he publicly humiliated her and then he becomes this hugely important person in her life, so I can see it lingering there in her mind and maybe becoming a bigger deal than it should be, especially if like in TPWP he never compliments her and then tells her she's too heavy, lol.
I forgot all about A Murder of Crows. I think I'll reread it soon, I loved it a lot once I got into it. But yeah, that sort of Hermione is really irritating to me too, her being so needlessly and stubbornly mistrustful and refusing to let it go and nearly destroying everything. I love fics with scenes that can make me feel as tense and anxious as that one did. Also a definite yes for strong trio friendship. I will always dislike Harry and I'm not exactly a raving Ron fan either, but the bashing is so unnecessary. And I like to see other interactions apart from HG/SS occasionally, like in some fics when Snape and Minerva are friends or there's some Hermione and Ginny friendship.
As to my own preferences, I'm not terribly particular. I prefer smut as long as there's plenty of plot to go with it, and angst by the bucketful, and Snape being the biggest bastard in the history of bastards, and I'm very partial to stories where Hermione is still a student because I like that dynamic and the problems it can create. And I like war fics (which I think is another difference between us if I remember correctly), and trapped fics. the ones where they're stuck together somewhere for some reason and have to learn to live with each other. Especially if they can't use magic, which I've only seen in a couple of fics. I dislike tender mushy Snape and bratty tantrumy Hermione, and most marriage law fics, and fics that only exist for the sex, and OMG I hate fics where Ron is abusive to or cheats on Hermione and that's why they're not together anymore. I have seen a surprising number of these. And I hate fics where they are still together and then she's attracted to Snape and they start something and she has to be all conflicted. Ew. and I don't like time travel.
Yeah there are probably a billion other things I wanted to say, but this is so long already. Sorry, as usual, for my inability to shut up. I feel like writing a proper HG/SS essay now.
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