Aug 02, 2009 08:35
I stole the title from thrace_'s comment on what Zed is saying in the trailer for the 2nd season of Legend of the Seeker. If you don't watch the show, there really isn't a reason to. My approach is to watch the show on fast forward until something interesting happens and then watch at regular speed until it's done and then go back to fast forward. It takes me about 15 minutes to get through each hour. I do like the costume designs of the evil forces though. Very snazzy.
Anywho, I've realized my life would be much more interesting if we possessed the technology to record dreams. At the absolute very least I would have something to watch when there's nothing on TV that isn't Penn & Teller's Bullshit and You Are What You Eat. The oddest thing about my dreams is that quite often I can point at the stimuli that influenced my dream, and sometimes they really do just come out of left field. Oh, and I'd finally be able to prove that the bull about not being able to read in dreams is a giant crock of shit. I read in my dreams all the time. In fact, one of the dreams I remember best is where I dreamt I was in my room reading a Star Trek: The Next Generation novel. The novel itself doesn't exist, but I remember the basic plot, and I remember the very first line of the novel, over a decade since I had the dream, and I remember it featured Troi and Ro.
So, like last night, I dreamt about watching bits and pieces of Rich Franklin's movie, and then things shifted so I was sort of observing like it was real life, but in the movie. And it was a Musical/Comedy/Action flick. Rich Franklin was a teacher, no not a math teacher, and an action hero. And he would duck into a locker to change, and his body guard came running after him, flying kicked the lockers, which knocked them over when they rebounded off the wall, and then he pulled them back up. At which point Rich's character, in action costume, climbed out of the lockers and they started arguing about why would the bodyguard do that, there was no reason to, and it just drew unnecessary attention to his transformation and then they walked off frame still arguing. Skip to later in a bar and Rich is kinda checking out this chick he's interested in who is in an on again, off again relationship with this other dude at the bar, and he's kinda paying attention to this kid's history book he has in front of him which theorizes on the reasons for the floating pyramid that is in low orbit around the earth, which is Rich's character's ultimate mystery to solve. Interestingly, even though the technology to float a pyramid in orbit around the earth doesn't exist in the timeline of the movie, much less back in its ancient Egypt days, the debate is not how the pyramid was made and how it got in orbit, but it what its purpose was and the book Rich is kinda reading has theory drawings of it being a rocking bachelor pad, a tomb, an alien bar, and some other random stuff. Anyways, chick he likes comes up, he asks her something, and she breaks into a song shifting between him and the dude she's sorta with. Later on, he goes back to his apartment/lair and confers with his team of sidekicks, which are a bunch of nerd kids who help him solve crimes, but are younger than the age group he teaches in his normal life so I'm not entirely sure how he got them as sidekicks. And they do the eager, let's solve the mystery of the orbiting pyramid thing and break out into a throwing theories back and forth song and start running out in the street to go visit all the local libraries and book stores and drug dealers, who they will interogate for information on the orbiting pyramid.
Now. Wouldn't that just be the most craptasticly hilarious movie to watch while drunk? I think so.