'The very thought of how fangirls achieved squee before the internet confuzzles me to no end...'

Dec 15, 2010 14:42

Marguerite: A gentleman’s duty is to believe what a lady tells him.

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I call nitpicking rights. odakota_rose March 27 2009, 00:15:05 UTC
In Skin Deep, they have a Geiger counter.
It bothers me, alright? There was a prototype of that in 1908 or 1909 I think, but it didn't really exist as we know it until 1928. It's small, and theoretically not even a problem, but still! Gah.

ALSO! It's like an episode of the X-files, omg. *giggles* People turning into goo! Green cocoons that they have to be broken out of!

The zombie skeletons with NINJA!SKILLZ part I could've done without though. I giggled too much.

Roxton: The next time anyone suggests a picnic, let's have it at the tree house.
Skeletons: *rise and are creepy*
Marguerite: Allow me, boys, it's the least I can do *shoots raptor free/is generally awesome*
Raptor: *attacks skeletons- OM NOM NOM NOM*
Group: *flees*
Cave: *explodes*
All: *duck*

The ending was priceless though. Challenger and Ned and Veronica need to tease them more often. ♥

Ned: If you weren't too busy holding hands with Roxton [he bats his eyelashes and singsongs this, and I crack up ( ... )


Re: I call nitpicking rights. borg_princess March 27 2009, 08:29:02 UTC
I really need to see a shrink. I don't see you [well, 'see' you] for a day] and I get jittery. *eyeroll* Dependency issues, gah.

Hee, it is so cool that you know facts about the Geiger counter, which I'd never heard of before this ep- I was just like, 'hey, random scientific device, okay then', I'm going with it and you're like, 'I CALL FOUL!'

Challenger has a habit of 'inventing' devices before historically reported- but it's plausible, I mean, they're stuck on the Plateau, any scientific breakthroughs he makes aren't going to be reported in our history, right?

Though I admit, I developed a blase attitude toward such blatant chronology violations with Xena. I mean, she met Mary and Joseph, Caesar, Boedecia and other famous people from different centuries, so... *shrugs*

ALSO! It's like an episode of the X-files, omg. *giggles* Bwahaha, I was totally ROTFLMAO at the X-files deja vu. It happens so often in this show. Marguerite in that cocoon = Scully in the first X-files movie, except not naked and covered in ( ... )


Re: I call nitpicking rights. odakota_rose March 27 2009, 09:13:10 UTC
It's totally alright, I've been all "Life, stop being so lame, I am in the middle of important stuff, we are being fangirly!". *dances*
'See me' cracked me up though, I gotta admit.

Umm, I have mentioned that I'm a little bit of a science geek at times right? XD
And honestly I was trying to let it go but it nags at me.

I can go with the 'Challenger inventing it before the rest of the world theory' though. Not 100% because I'm still trying to figure out how Roxton would know about the work Hans Geiger did, but... *shrugs and takes a deep breath, then releases it*

Marguerite in that cocoon = Scully in the first X-files movie, except not naked and covered in gunk and requiring romantic CPR [as distinct from purely neutral un-romantic CPR from non-love interests]Yes! TBH, I was humming the XF theme song for part of this episode. It was nearly a reflex. And yay! *huggles* You totally get the difference between romantic CPR and its un-romantic and far less awesome cousin. Which makes me want to go pull out my tapes and watch ( ... )


Re: I call nitpicking rights. borg_princess March 27 2009, 09:53:12 UTC
'See me' cracked me up though, I gotta admit.

Our language hasn't come up with appropriate language to describe online relationships. It's all so sense-oriented, 'see you', 'talk to you', etc. etc. This is a meeting of the minds, yo. Where is our lingo?

Oooh, good point about Roxton. I always find it strange and interesting when he demonstrates some knowledge of science. Like, he's not just all brawn! Amazing! *squishes him*

You totally get the difference between romantic CPR and its un-romantic and far less awesome cousin

*nods fervently* THIS DISTINCTION IS IMPORTANT. Lips touching between a ship for whatever reason is very very different and more squeeworthy than the regular, less interesting 'my mouth is on yours purely to save your life' type with non-ship partners.

I wasn't a big fan of The Guardian but had to snicker at santacrux going, 'Won't Roxton be ripped when he finds out Challenger got to give Marguerite mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?' Lol ( ... )


Re: I call nitpicking rights. odakota_rose March 28 2009, 08:34:06 UTC
This is a meeting of the minds, yo. Where is our lingo?

Seriously, language. Get with the times! XD

Yeah. Roxton's smarter than the average bear, I suppose *g*

'my mouth is on yours purely to save your life'

*nods* It's a big difference. Though now I have plot bunnies for a scene using that quote. Unfortunately I honestly can't figure out which pairing it is that's in the scene. You know you're in trouble when your own muse won't tell you who's in a scene.

Black oil, omg. You know I'm totally waiting for Mulder and Scully to pop up on the plateau now.

[I won't swear to this, but wasn't M wearing pants, and then her duplicate returned in a skirt?] Guns? WITH ammo? Because Marguerite's was empty earlier but then her duplicate shot the dinosaur...

I wasn't paying too much attention to it, but I'll go check maybe, tomorrow. But yes, it's one of those things you have to take with a grain of salt and ignore the little things like that that make no sense.

I'm surprised that after all your ( ... )


Re: I call nitpicking rights. borg_princess March 30 2009, 01:49:22 UTC
'my mouth is on yours purely to save your life'
now I have plot bunnies for a scene using that quote. Unfortunately I honestly can't figure out which pairing it is that's in the scene. You know you're in trouble when your own muse won't tell you who's in a scene.

Hehe, now I'm spawning plot bunnies. >:D *iz ebil* What a conundrum, though. Damn muse. I was going to be like 'hey, it can't be M/R' but then I realized it could be a light-hearted teasing remark between them.

Could also be Ned/Marguerite, like, she's all, 'Oh, boy, you're so dead, he's gonna kill you dead' and Ned's like, 'MEEP! It didn't mean anything! I was just trying to save your life, holy crap, Roxton, don't kill me!' :P

You know I'm totally waiting for Mulder and Scully to pop up on the plateau now.

IT COULD HAPPEN. We last saw them on a rowboat in the middle of the ocean. They get caught in some sort of weird phenomena, a strange storm or something, and wash up on the Plateau! *beams*

Btw. I was wrong about the pants/skirt thing. Shhh.

Last year I ( ... )


Re: I call nitpicking rights. odakota_rose April 4 2009, 06:43:51 UTC
Hehe, now I'm spawning plot bunnies. >:D *iz ebil* What a conundrum, though. Damn muse.

*hides* This is so much more fun when I give you bunnies :P

IT COULD HAPPEN. We last saw them on a rowboat in the middle of the ocean. They get caught in some sort of weird phenomena, a strange storm or something, and wash up on the Plateau! *beams*

Ou! What if they got sucked into a whirlpool and ended up on the Plateau. It could totally happen, seeing as whirlpools are acceptable plot devices for carrying people from point a to point b. Also, getting picked up by a pterodactyl, though that's generally advised against, as Ned found out.

Gah! D: Sweetie! *squishes* That's awful. No wonder you freaked out. Good excuse to get someone else to handle those chores, though. Pull a Marguerite on them. :P

Exactly. For the longest time after that, I refused to go anywhere near the espresso machine, so my mom made it for me. I've still got a faint scar from that incident. *grumble*

YES, you don't think I'm weird! I find it hard to do with some ( ... )


Re: I call nitpicking rights. borg_princess April 6 2009, 02:52:21 UTC
Speaking of bunnies...random question: do you know if the shower- which I first recall seeing in Amazons- was designed by Challenger? I mean, V's parents built the treehouse and installed the elevaotor so it's conceivable they were the ones that made the shower, but it's so finicky that I get the feeling it was Challenger's invention.

Also, V and M went to the pond to wash up in Camelot and there's no way M would do that if she had a nice convenient shower at home. So that leaves the question, when was it installed? It's not important, but I'm curious. And lol, IDEK if it's the same shower that we see in Fire in the Sky or if the dimension-distortion-effect strikes again. Where IS this damn thing located?

Ou! What if they got sucked into a whirlpool and ended up on the Plateau. It could totally happen, seeing as whirlpools are acceptable plot devices for carrying people from point a to point b. Also, getting picked up by a pterodactyl, though that's generally advised against, as Ned found out.WHIRLPOOL OF FANDOM COLLISION! Me likey ( ... )


Re: I call nitpicking rights. borg_princess April 14 2009, 00:55:40 UTC
For I am nothing if not a dedicated fangirl. :P

[The pic quality irritates me- I hate how when you turn off the flash, images get all blurry, this was the best I could do- you get the point, lol]

... )


Re: I call nitpicking rights. odakota_rose April 14 2009, 06:29:02 UTC

and don't even worry about the pic quality, I'm just going to sit here and be a fangirly giggling mess now. that is frakking awesome. And the pics are adorable.


Re: I call nitpicking rights. borg_princess April 16 2009, 00:24:28 UTC
HEE, I knew you'd appreciate my efforts! *twirls*

Those were cut from one of the official cast photos, where they look like students posing for a school photo, lol, with the bleachers and all. And Rachel's skirt is pulled up above her knees for no good reason except to make people die from the hotness. Lol. I wanna kick the photographer for not cutting her off, damn it. *pouts*


Re: I call nitpicking rights. borg_princess March 27 2009, 08:29:57 UTC
Group: *flees*
Cave: *explodes*
All: *duck*

That scene makes me giggle. The explosion's gonna happen any second, it's like, TAKE COVER! And Roxton? Pulls down his hat a little, all, 'The hat is all the cover I need! It has magic powers, yo!'

Ned: If you weren't too busy holding hands with Roxton [he bats his eyelashes and singsongs this, and I crack up.]


I love my ship, okay, I'd never sacrifice their scenes for anything but I am wistful at the need for more scenes like this because HEE! Marguerite mocks him all the time and it's awesome that two eps in a row, he makes her sputter and fume as he ribs her about Roxton.

PS. Omg, the dvds were just SITTING THERE? HOW ARE YOU SO LUCKY?! I can't believe you didn't even have to order them ( ... )


Re: I call nitpicking rights. odakota_rose March 27 2009, 09:28:30 UTC
'The hat is all the cover I need! It has magic powers, yo!'Hm.. You know, this theory bears checking into. Usually Roxton minus his hat means some sort of epic danger is unfolding *snort ( ... )


Re: I call nitpicking rights. borg_princess March 27 2009, 10:17:31 UTC
Ha, I make a random observation and suddenly we haz a theory! The hat is a powerful talisman but sadly, it does not protect him from jungle tarts. *woes*

You're making me want to do a Ned/Marguerite scene now, damn it. *clutches head* The fics have much ship but there is little in the way of friendship scenes. :{

You know, I only just realized today that my cousin's nickname, Netty? Is totally pronounced as 'Neddy'. After we saw London Calling yesterday, I'm enjoying imitating Veronica imitating Gladys in a high-pitched tone now. >:D It irks her, mwahaha.

PS. I'm happy you're happy! The thought of your being deprived of season 3... *shudders* New shinies FTW. FLAIL, BB, FLAIL! :D

I'm hoping if I avoid mentioning it he'll forget, it's happened a bunch of times before. Lol, avoidance is my favorite tactic with the parents. I've managed to put off getting my L's for a year or so now. *smirks* Unfortunately, I think I'm being pinned down for it next month. *sighs ( ... )


Re: I call nitpicking rights. odakota_rose March 28 2009, 08:52:57 UTC
The hat is a powerful talisman but sadly, it does not protect him from jungle tarts.

Exactly. That's where Marguerite comes in. :P Hat!magic is only so powerful.

*dances* plot bunnies! I've been told I'm good at those.

Neddy! Okay, the thing about Gladys, is that half her lines in that episode seem to be, "OH NEDDY!" and "NEDDY YOU DON'T NEED THE TERRIBLE JUNGLE" and "NEDDDDDDYYYYY". Seriously. The woman gets on nerves I didn't know I had. Ned, what were you thinking? Otoh, it was worth it just for when they went all "It's the cirrrrcle of liiiiiiife" at the end and woke them up.

PPS. You are so smart. I thought it was unfair Ned got to be such a hero but I didn't realize it was a dream sequence until they actually got back to London and then I knew there was just no way.*hug* But I'm not quite that smart, the giveaway for me was when Challenger in the cave was all gleeful and praising Ned over it. It seemed like one of those dreams where everything works just the way you want it to at first ( ... )


Re: I call nitpicking rights. borg_princess March 30 2009, 02:18:48 UTC
Hat!magic is only so powerful.

I'm getting weird HP/TLW images, lol, what with this magic hats abounding. Someone actually wrote a fic where Marguerite had been invited to Hogwarts but declined, and then she and Hermione bicker over a spell. *giggles* And I do believe the kids end up match-making. Cracky, even by TLW standards...

The woman gets on nerves I didn't know I had. Ned, what were you thinking?

What men always think about? :P She's really pretty? Come on...

Heh, I love how it's okay for women to pay them out like that but if a dude dares to be mocking/condescending, it's war. But I guess we're making up for centuries of inequality, so suck it, boys.

Otoh, it was worth it just for when they went all "It's the cirrrrcle of liiiiiiife" at the end I thought at first that somehow the others had entered the dream but then it turned out it was his dream representations of them again. I didn't mind, it was such a cool ending. The writers did really well on this one, the way he slowly began to believe what Veronica was saying ( ... )


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