Mar 27, 2006 14:58
i'm annoyed with everyone. no joke. 9/10 of the people i so much as see throughout the day i want to punch in the face. and i'm not pmsing. nothing bad happened today. i just am so sick of people. i'm ready to go on a punching spree.
it all started in comp. we were watching a movie and sara was sitting on her desk, blocking my view of the TV. and we had a sub so he didn't care. i told her to move so i could see the TV and she did. then i turn around to get my spanish project out of my bag to work on it, turn back around to see what was going on in the movie, and guess who's fat ass was in my face?! i dind't even say anything. i was in a pretty "holy shit this is retarded." type of mood. and i just didn't want to start shit. so i just worked on my project.
anatomy we did this stupid vocabulary thing on the senses and i could tell that sara was racing me. it's kind of pathetic that she needs to compare herself to me to make herself feel better, when i don't even care to talk to her. i just wish she wasn't such a bitch.
i seriously hate my math class. it's official. "paul wall" wasn't here today. which is good because i probably would've spit in his face because of the mood i've been in. but i have these dum ass ghetto kids who sit right behind me and talk about stupid shit like eachothers' moms. it really makes me want to slap them because they're so lame.
in spanish, i walk in the class and the teacher called me up the her desk. she asked me where i was on friday and i told her i had a skills meeting, which is 100% the truth. and she said that she had to verify that because there was nothing in the notices, even though there was. and she had to email ms. outlette. so basically, she was accusing me of skipping class... which is just comical.
then i got home and my brother ripped the computer chair... and left it. so i put it in his room and took his chair. fucking ass hole. go die.
i also think it's cool how some bitches make a huge thing out of me supposedly talking to people that they are friends with even though i met them through other people... yet they have the brilliant idea that they are BFFs with one of my best friends, who they happend to meet because of me. SUP HYPOCRITICAL CUNTS?! i wouldn't care if they didn't try to say i couldn't talk to the friends of mine that they know.
i'm just so fucking sick of hypocrites and people that try to put me down just because they're insecure. and lazy people. i'm sick of people treating me like shit. i don't deserve it, despite what they think and despite what they're trying to convince others of. i'm not going to believe it, and i'm not going to stoop to their level and talk shit about them just like they are to me. i fight fair. i don't go out of my way to make people miserable, i fight with facts. which is why i usually win.
i'm just wicked pissed off.