Aug 07, 2004 00:49
Today was very uneventful considering i am grounded. I went to Wal-mart to pic up some stuff and then cleaned my pool cause wasil is to lazy to pick up the phone or come over and do the work. You know everyone is really hung up on this speaking nicely issue. It seems that everyone has something to say about it (mostly the same thing). But are any of us actually going to take our own advice and think about what we say. I know from some of the other comments left on other live journals didn't reflect what people said. I do the same thing a lot of the time and dont really think about what i say or how it will affect others. That is really an important part of life. We communicate with others all day but dont really care what is said or about the damage that it might have done to another person. We need to edify eachother every chance we get. The world definitely wont help us or bring us up when we need it. All you have are ur close friends and fam. treat them right or you will regret it one day and it will be to late or hard to fix things. Just watch what you say.