after briefly researching some more sites, and there are quite a few of them, that question whether or not a boeing actually hit the petagon, they seem to all ride the ideas of normal, uneducated people that a boeing can cause alot more damage than it actually can. the penagon is a very large building and the jet was going about as slow as they can. they seem to question the fact that there is no remains and how the plane only damaged the first row. the fact is, if this is a government building, and im pretty sure it is, its not made of cardboard. also, the only reason the planes that hit the world trade center took it down was that they slowed down considerably to remain inside the building and allow the fuel to burn it. this was going even slower and if the fuel burnt in the same way, it couldve burnt alot of the wreckage. they also question the size of the impact damage and this is a plane, not a bomb, they have to be made as streamlined and light as physically possible so that they dont just fall out of the sky. theyre not made of reinforced steel. these conspirators who seem to question it also do not say when the photos they use to convince the common public that it wasnt a boeing were taken. these photos could be weeks old and we wouldnt know the difference since they dont say crap about when they were taken. its all circumstantial evidence used to convince with no mention of the other side of the argument for disproval. this raises the question that they dont even want you thinking about the other side of the argument while reading theres. real, credible news reporters allow for both sides of the argument to be seen to show the flaws in the other side of the argument. that is the way they would go about disproving this. this film showed what, 4 people who said it sounded like a missle? ooo wow thats alot. they didnt show any quotes of people who saw the plane hit. if there was a video which did show a clearer shot of a boeing flying towards the pentagon, they could just not show it and tell us "it has not yet been released" and who watching some incredible, noncited, random webside video is going to waste the time to see if their making it up. not many.
Very, very good, Jimmy. Research before you rant, and people will actually listen. I won't believe anything anyone says unless I see an actual video for myself, which I've yet to do (a series of pictures hardly counts). While I imagine a Boeing crash is not quite as colossal as some make it out to be, I imagine that there would be an explosion of quite some magnitude. My only thought is that you'd think that by now you'd have seen the wreckage of the plane somewhere by now, but that's obviously just me trying to show both sides of a yet undisclosed story.
Oh, and please don't bring Michael Moore into this, lest I laugh you off of this page. I like this intelligent discussion, not bashing a movie you've never seen. But that's just me saying.
i could go on and on, but i dont feel like it.
Oh, and please don't bring Michael Moore into this, lest I laugh you off of this page. I like this intelligent discussion, not bashing a movie you've never seen. But that's just me saying.
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