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boredom_doodles: Man, Booster still has to fight Mr. Mind spawn and dinosaurs! How's he going to have the time?
doctor_sneeze: He's got all the time he wants!
boredom_doodles: Well, yes, but he's quickly running out of issues in his first year!
doctor_sneeze: Did they specifically say that stuff was in the first year?
boredom_doodles: Well, that was my understanding of it.
boredom_doodles: It does not technically say as such in the issue, though.
doctor_sneeze: There you go!
boredom_doodles: Bah!
doctor_sneeze: Well, uh, stuff could still happen.
doctor_sneeze: Maybe Mr. Mind spawn are wearing the loomy costume! Or a dinosaur!
boredom_doodles: Hahahahaha.
doctor_sneeze: Hell at the rate we go through Supernovas whichever one of those isn't in the loomy costume could be in the Supernova costume!
boredom_doodles: Hahahahaha!
boredom_doodles: I somehow doubt that Booster is related to dinosaurs or Mr. Mind....
doctor_sneeze: You said it yourself, there's a lot of room for crazy.
doctor_sneeze: And Jonar was hanging out with dinosaurs...
boredom_doodles: ...Tell me you didn't mean to imply how I just read that. D: (I mean, never mind that that would be totally genetically impossible 'n' all. And I'm not sure that's the right kind of related for the costume to work, but y'now what I think I should stop thinking right now.)
doctor_sneeze: Sorry, I can't do that.
doctor_sneeze: And nonsensical half-breeds are perfectly acceptable in fiction.
doctor_sneeze: Obviously Jonar hooked up with some hyper-evolved dinosaur chick.
boredom_doodles: Oh, of course.
boredom_doodles: ...Y'know, part of me wants to actually write this, just for the crack. The other part of me wants to beat this idea out of that part. With violence.