me big cola luvr: i feeeeeeeeeeel hyper
me big cola luvr: she had an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini
me big cola luvr: that she wore
me big cola luvr: on her ..
me big cola luvr: i 4got
SmElLmYpCkT: for the first time today
me big cola luvr: hahaha ok
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: brain fart
SmElLmYpCkT: hahahahahahhahhahahah
SmElLmYpCkT: brain fart
SmElLmYpCkT: lmao
SmElLmYpCkT: lmao
SmElLmYpCkT: ok im donw
me big cola luvr: :-)
me big cola luvr: i said a hip hop the hibbit to the hip hop hibbit you dont stop...
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: jamies got a gun
me big cola luvr: hahah
me big cola luvr: idk things are popping
SmElLmYpCkT: =-Oreally? men with guns are sexy
me big cola luvr: i said JAMIE
me big cola luvr: man like the SONG
me big cola luvr: from that movie
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: hahah i 4got wat it was called
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
SmElLmYpCkT: hahah
me big cola luvr: u make me wanna lala in the kitchen on the floor
me big cola luvr: i'll be your french maid wen i meet you at the door
SmElLmYpCkT: i like that song
me big cola luvr: im like an alley cat
me big cola luvr: drink the milk up i want mooooooooore
me big cola luvr: you make me wanna
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: you make me wanna sreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem
me big cola luvr: la la la la la lal
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: booobies
SmElLmYpCkT: lmao
me big cola luvr: b-o-l-o-g-n-a
me big cola luvr: my bologna has a first name
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: its.....................
me big cola luvr: say it with me jenna
me big cola luvr: O S C A R
me big cola luvr: ..
me big cola luvr: come on
me big cola luvr: im waint
me big cola luvr: **waiting
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: O
me big cola luvr: S
SmElLmYpCkT: O
SmElLmYpCkT: S
me big cola luvr: hahah
SmElLmYpCkT: C
SmElLmYpCkT: A
SmElLmYpCkT: R
SmElLmYpCkT: !!!!
me big cola luvr: yayayaya
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: !!!!!!!!!!!!
me big cola luvr: you get a sticker!
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: mmmmmmmmmmy bologna has a second name its....
SmElLmYpCkT: M
SmElLmYpCkT: A
SmElLmYpCkT: Y
SmElLmYpCkT: E
SmElLmYpCkT: R
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: OOOOOOOOOOO i have to eat it every day and if you ask me why i saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
me big cola luvr: cuuuuuuuuuuuuuz
me big cola luvr: oscar mayer has a way
SmElLmYpCkT: oscar mayer has a way
me big cola luvr: with
SmElLmYpCkT: with
me big cola luvr: hahahaha
me big cola luvr: B
me big cola luvr: O
me big cola luvr: L
me big cola luvr: O
me big cola luvr: G
me big cola luvr: N
me big cola luvr: A
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: that man taught children all around the world to spell: bologna
me big cola luvr: parents should praise him
me big cola luvr: :-)
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
SmElLmYpCkT: haha
SmElLmYpCkT: i know...but i always spell it wrong in the song..:-[ ashamed...i always say BALOGNA
me big cola luvr: hhahaha
me big cola luvr: pooooooooooor jenna
me big cola luvr: awwwwwwww
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
SmElLmYpCkT: i know
SmElLmYpCkT: i need to learn how to spell
me big cola luvr: is ok
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: i tell u evyting
me big cola luvr: hahah
SmElLmYpCkT: haha
me big cola luvr: have you ever heard that?
me big cola luvr: that lady on mtv?
me big cola luvr: like centuries ago?
me big cola luvr: or no?
SmElLmYpCkT: nope.
me big cola luvr: awwwwwwwwwwwwwww
me big cola luvr: noooooooo
me big cola luvr: remind me tomorrow
me big cola luvr: i will say it for oyu
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
SmElLmYpCkT: okay
me big cola luvr: thats how she says it
me big cola luvr: she goes "i teh u evyting"
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: :-)
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: omg boobies
me big cola luvr: hahahaha
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: im hyper
me big cola luvr: didnt i tell you?
SmElLmYpCkT: yes
SmElLmYpCkT: yes
SmElLmYpCkT: yes
me big cola luvr: super
me big cola luvr: duper
me big cola luvr: your a pooper
SmElLmYpCkT: lmao
SmElLmYpCkT: welll you know what...your a...
SmElLmYpCkT: your a...
SmElLmYpCkT: pooper SCOOPER!!!!!!
me big cola luvr: butt
me big cola luvr: hahahah
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
SmElLmYpCkT: im goos
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: your a bob with TWO O's
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
SmElLmYpCkT: i have to tell you a really funny koke tomorrow
SmElLmYpCkT: joke**
me big cola luvr: T EYE DOUBLE GUH ER
me big cola luvr: TIGGER
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: ok tell me now?
SmElLmYpCkT: ok
me big cola luvr: yay
SmElLmYpCkT: so theres this girl who has a really nice body...and butt lol. and she really wants to get a tatoo on her butt...beautiful on one cheek and butt on the other. but it wont fit. so she settles for a B on each cheek. the next day she goes to school and pull her friend in to the bathromm and pulls down her pants and bends over and says "you like it"...and her friend makes a face and says "whos bob?"
SmElLmYpCkT: its kinda stupid
me big cola luvr: ahahahahah
me big cola luvr: OMG
me big cola luvr: thats so funny
me big cola luvr: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahaha
me big cola luvr: omg
me big cola luvr: seriously
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: ew though
me big cola luvr: hahah
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: haha wait sing this to the lala song ok?
SmElLmYpCkT: k
me big cola luvr:
i think you are stupid
you are crazy
your a whore
and if i saw you
i would push you on the floor
me big cola luvr: :-)
SmElLmYpCkT: lmao
SmElLmYpCkT: hahaha
me big cola luvr: hahahah :-)
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: k now
me big cola luvr: my hyper ness is wearing and tearing
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: **tearing
me big cola luvr: wait tearing like a shirt
me big cola luvr: how do you spell that?
SmElLmYpCkT: uhm...
me big cola luvr: like you tore my shirt
SmElLmYpCkT: tearing
me big cola luvr: but no past
SmElLmYpCkT: taring?
me big cola luvr: ye abut thats like crying isnt it
me big cola luvr: hahaha
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
SmElLmYpCkT: yeah
me big cola luvr: this is a funny convo
SmElLmYpCkT: i know it
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
SmElLmYpCkT: im crying
me big cola luvr: fron alughteR?
me big cola luvr: wow
SmElLmYpCkT: im watching a really sad movie.
me big cola luvr: spelling mistakes like WHOA
me big cola luvr: oooooooh
SmElLmYpCkT: alughteR
SmElLmYpCkT: ahhahahah
me big cola luvr: fron alughteR?
me big cola luvr: hahah
SmElLmYpCkT: hahhaha
me big cola luvr: omg
me big cola luvr: haha look at profile
SmElLmYpCkT: lmao
SmElLmYpCkT: yay
me big cola luvr: why was my R capital?
me big cola luvr: haha
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
SmElLmYpCkT: i dont know
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: hahaha
SmElLmYpCkT: hehe
me big cola luvr: muhhhhhhhhhahaha
me big cola luvr: im coming to eat you child
SmElLmYpCkT: hart harr
me big cola luvr: im going to eat your boogeys
SmElLmYpCkT: harty har har
SmElLmYpCkT: lmao
me big cola luvr: hahahah
SmElLmYpCkT: my boogeys????
SmElLmYpCkT: hahha
me big cola luvr: i''l be under your bed...
me big cola luvr: waiting
me big cola luvr: muhhhhhhhhahahah
me big cola luvr: im the boogey monster
SmElLmYpCkT: lmao
SmElLmYpCkT: you cant go under my bed...there is no under my bed....
me big cola luvr: oh yea
me big cola luvr: hahahaha
me big cola luvr: ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmgggggg
me big cola luvr: hahhaahah
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: i seriously LOL-LED
SmElLmYpCkT: haha
me big cola luvr: this is thy asma that thy know and love.
me big cola luvr: im gonna stay like this
me big cola luvr: forever and ever your breakin ma heart, and i will love you! forever and ever
me big cola luvr: hahaha
me big cola luvr: :::::::::-))))))))))))))
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: arent i better like this than being sooooooooooooo EMO
SmElLmYpCkT: yes yes!
me big cola luvr: or am i getting annoying?
me big cola luvr: hahaha
SmElLmYpCkT: i like it when your hyper and happy
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: good
me big cola luvr: cuz its my reso.
me big cola luvr: remember wen you were RIZO?
me big cola luvr: or sumthing
me big cola luvr: like that
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
SmElLmYpCkT: yeah...
SmElLmYpCkT: oh i have a new nickname
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: ooooooooooo really?
SmElLmYpCkT: yes
me big cola luvr: wat jecin vutt
SmElLmYpCkT: ...huh
me big cola luvr: wat chicken butt
me big cola luvr: hahahaha
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
SmElLmYpCkT: so call me Jen okay?
SmElLmYpCkT: i don like the name jenna
me big cola luvr: OKKKKKKKKKKKKk
me big cola luvr: y?
SmElLmYpCkT: its ugly
me big cola luvr: jenna means HEAVEN
SmElLmYpCkT: so
me big cola luvr: and thy world above
me big cola luvr: thy world that im not going to
me big cola luvr: hahaha
me big cola luvr: cuz im bad
me big cola luvr: hahaha
me big cola luvr: tisk tisk
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: bad grl bad grl
SmElLmYpCkT: moms being a butt...
me big cola luvr: watcha gonna do
SmElLmYpCkT: i have to go.
me big cola luvr: noooooooooooooo
SmElLmYpCkT: ill see you in the morning
me big cola luvr: ok fine
me big cola luvr: kk
SmElLmYpCkT: bright and early
me big cola luvr: bloods
me big cola luvr: crips
me big cola luvr: and the kkkkkkkkkkk
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
SmElLmYpCkT: okay bye
SmElLmYpCkT: kisses
me big cola luvr: if you only got love for your own race
me big cola luvr: then you only leave space to
SmElLmYpCkT: haha
me big cola luvr: DISCRIMINATE
SmElLmYpCkT: bye asma
me big cola luvr: buh buy
SmElLmYpCkT: lol
me big cola luvr: nite hun
SmElLmYpCkT: night