Jan 12, 2006 22:20
I had to try really hard not to start this entry with "so". I think it's just a reflex at this point.
So this is the new year:
Phew. This is pretty hard for me to form a coherent series of thoughts, so this may be random. Bear with me.
Looking back at the last two Januaries, I am in a much better position. In 2004, I was thinking about leaving Evansville, and had no idea what was in store for me in the upcoming year. Last year, I was jobless, and again not aware of what I was to face - my first serious relationship, my first time being cheated on, some spontaneous moves, and a lot of growing up, to be quite honest. But this entry really isn't focused on the past.
First of all, I have recently been talking to a guy who has become quite a good friend of mine very quickly. It's quite strange, actually, my whole social circle seems to have evolved or shifted yet again, which is another topic I plan/planned on discussing, but more on that momentarily. Kyle is someone I met and somehow we just latched on to each other. We talk constantly and I am glad that I have met him, partially because (and this is my main point here) I feel in a small way that I have come full circle. I remember not too long ago, when I was but a wee gay, that there were people who gave me advice that (more often than not) I didn't want to listen to, but that was usually right. I feel like I have become that person. It's honestly a good feeling. It's difficult to explain why it's a good thing, but it is.
Along the same lines, as I said, my social circle has changed. I guess it's just a fact of getting older, and perhaps of the realizations I had last summer in that I lost a lot of patience in dealing with people, but it really makes me reevaluate friendships, even some I have had for some time. (I know I am guilty of this too), but all it takes is a little effort in order to maintain contact with someone.
So, life-wise, what's going on or coming up?
Boys: (ARE STUPID!) So the boy from the last post is sort of still there I suppose. It's an odd situation. When I see him out, I don't really go out of my way to avoid him, but I usually don't make an effort to make first contact, but he ends up talking to me anyways. (oh scandal, I just saw some myspace info that could change all this BUT uh we'll cross that bridge when we get there)..
TV: Finally, DH was back on last weekend and I enjoyed it. There was a lot going on to set up the remainder of the season. I am hooked on Grey's Anatomy too these days. However, my new obsession is Project Runway. I LOVE it and can't miss it. I want Nick to win.. he's my favorite. I also am awaiting American Idol & Survivor.
Work: Good, I have finally really gotten into a bit of a groove and I love my co-workers, even the ones who work my nerves sometimes. Working more overtime lately, but we are getting more busy, so it works out.
Apartment: No problems.. really LOVE bellevue.
I promise my life is really boring these days. It's hardly the gay reality drama packed madness it was this summer. I suppose I'm on hiatus.
So I thought there was more.. but this took me FOREVER plus I have an early meeting at work. Boo. More after the weekend? Maybe so!