Is my hair okay?

Mar 30, 2009 08:18

Is my hair okay?
Originally uploaded by yourawesome#002 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at

This is Edmund who is 44 years old and is born and raised in Guam. His birthday is next month.

How I met Edmund is almost similar to how I met Dave and Roger. I asked my friend, Heather if she wanted to watch a movie and so we did. We decided to watch Knowing and got out of the theatre around 9ish. As we were walking to my car I heard someone say "Excuse me ladies, excuse me ladies." So I stopped and Edmund walked closer to us. He first asked my friend if she had a dollar and she didn't have any change with her. Then he asked me and I gave him a dollar. Edmund told us that he didn't eat all day and was trying to collect $5. He also asked me if he will be able to collect $5

After I gave him a dollar I asked if I could take his picture. He took a step back and then asked "Is my hair okay?" I told him it was fine and to step into the light. I took several shots without flash and then with flash. Most of the shots that I took of him were blurry and this is the best shot I got of Edmund.

I talked to Edmund for a bit and he talked about how he doesn't have children or a wife. He mentioned that he never had a girlfriend because he was disturbed as a child. I could tell that Heather wanted to leave so I said my goodbyes to Edmund. I told him God Bless and he said it as well. Heather did mention that he said he was from mental health but I swear to God that I heard something else. He didn't seem dangerous and i wasn't afraid of him. He was very humble. I hope he got the amount he needed and ate.

Edmund made me think how lucky I am to be able to buy food that I want. That I was lucky to have the life I have. That one dollar shouldn't be so hard to give. So if someone out there ask you for a dollar or some spare change then give it.


five dollars, gpo, tamuning, 100 strangers, guam

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