May 20, 2005 15:23
I can't believe it, the OC actually had a good episode again. Of course it was the season finale, but after a terribly mediocore second season it was good to see that at least occasionally they can make complelling tv. Unfortunately Joan of Arcadia will never have that opportunity again as CBS pulled a Fox and cancelled one of my favourite shows. Actually i'm not sure if this is entirely bad as based on the last episode they were pretty much gonna change the entire show around anyways. Joan was always at it's best when it sorta kept god to the side and showed more of Joan and the group with god really just nudging her a little in the right direction. Most of this last season they've ignored that to go and try to preach and teach lessons with god being directly involved at times. Of course it would've gotten worse next year with the start of the Joan vs. the evil guy storylines. But i'll still miss the show and for it to end so inconclusivly sucks.
I am really looking forward to the season finale of Lost next week. While i'm sure there'll be a big cliffhanger it looks like they'll have a ton of action and they'll finally give some answers to the things that have happened on the island. I'm sure they'll still manage to create more questions then asnwers though.
In non-tv news, ummm, i'll probably go see ep3 on Tuesday. I wanna go see it before then but with it being a long weekend down here and how popular the movie is there'll be crowds and human interaction is just eww. I'm also not sold in anyway of Frasier being the Beast in X-Men 3. Topher Grace appearing Spidey 3 is a good thing however. I think he'd actually make a great Carnage but it's very unlikely they're gonna do a Venom/Carnage storyline. Hayden Church would actually make a decent Brock, so maybe all the talk of him playing Sandman is just to throw everyone off. I really can't see him playing the Hobgoblin though that's the rumour currently.
In non-entertainment news.... well there is none. Well, the countdown is on till mid-october when mom and pops return to Holland and i have a month of no nagging. No job yet, but then i didn't apply anywhere yet so really that's no surprise. It would be nice if businesses applied to me for me to join their company instead of the other way around though.