5 Days!

Nov 04, 2004 15:59

Untill November 9th, which could possibly be the last time anyone ever sees me outside of the basement again. Halo 2 comes out, and it's compatible with Xbox Live. This is gonna be like when Quake 2 completely ruined the last year of high school/first year of college for me. What is it with online videogame sequels?

Anyways, between connection problems, times when i just didn't have enough to say and other various problems, i've failed to make an update 7 times in a row, hopefully this won't be 8.

I don't know if i'm just getting older or more mature (ha, right), but i actually dislike when classes get canceled now. It's not just the driving over there for nothing (which hasn't really mattered since i've had classes before/after the cancellation) or that i have an hour to kill ( filled that with doing homework). Nope, it's mostly cause now we're gonna have to work harder and do more to catch up on the work we missed.

Math and english can be canceled all they want however, i go to the one tutorial math class a week, get the homework, and do that. It's all math i learned during high school so just doing the homework refreshes my memory on what to do and i can then go in to ace the test. For english it's cause i'm dropping the class, i just got to go in and see the business supervisor person and make it official. Of course this is all my fault, but i just can't handle waking up on Friday morning's at 7am for an 8:30am class. Even the couple of times i did make it in, once we had a test that i flunked since i was still half asleep. GIve me that test 3 hours later and i pass it. Same with the in class essay i had to do (which is where all the grades for the class come from and you can't take them home, which i suppose is why they call them in class essays), it was just so bad cause i wasn't awake yet when i had to start writing it. So, yeah, i'll be dropping it and then taking it next semester, and then if i pass then i'll be taking summer school. Which really sucks, but i'll take that over friday morning's anyday. The only problem will be telling my parents, they're gonna throw a fit and yell and call me a disappointment and blah blah blah grumblecakes.

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