dont think i can take it, wake me when its over

Oct 31, 2005 03:52

Day after day i can feel life dragging me down. It gets harder and harder to tug it up, the harder i grip to keep it from falling all away the slipperier it gets. It's so tempting to just let go and let it crash to the ground, let everything go and see what happens.

Haha, kidding, if ever there was a day for depressing emo entries in LJ, today is it. It's weird that Halloween is treated like a scary holiday when really it's just a chance for kids to get some candy and for girls to dress even sluttier then normal. Not that i would complain about girls wearing slutty clothes, in fact i encourage them to dress like it's Halloween every day of the year.

Anyways, life is really meh at the moment. I have almost zero interest in what i'm doing at school right now, which is weird cause if i had been doing this stuff last year i probably would've enjoyed it. But whatever it is, it's just killed my motivation and that's killed my grades as i've been missing to many classes and not doing the assignments. I should actually be excited as this past Wednesday my dad went to join my mom in Holland (she'd already been there a couple of weeks) and i have the house to myself for about a month. Instead of enjoying it i'm just bitching about how it's a pain in the ass to have more chores now with grocery shopping, laundry and feeding the cats. Maybe it's just the weather as we haven't had a really nice day out in the past 2 weeks or so, every day seems to be cloudy with most of them having rain as well. Even sports hasn't cheered me up as the 2 teams i cheer for the most, Leafs and Eagles haven't played well lately. Ah well, if there is one good thing it's that i got past my irrational hatred of doctors to go see a sleep specialist and he's 90% sure that i have sleep apnea. While it seems weird to actually hope that something is wrong with me, this is something that can be treated and for a lot of the people it's brought about major change in there life. The bad thing is i gotta get a sleep study done and it'll be at least 2 months before that can happen.

In more cheerful news, the best movie ever made will be coming out next year when Snakes on a Plane gets released to theaters. Some execs actually want to change the name of the film to something boring like flight 187, but star of the film Samuel L. Jackson, would have none of that, it's Snakes on a motherfuckin Plane. Say hiss again.
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