(no subject)

Jan 02, 2010 23:34

1. What fraction of your life has the last decade covered?

2. Any celebrity crushes lasted the entire decade?
Well I started with Nicky Wire from the Manics ( spent my Millenium New Year with him in the Millenium stadium in Cardiff!) but now I really don't have one!

3. Has it been a good decade?
It has been more good than bad but some of it was hideous.

4. Most memorable moment of the decade?
there are a few stand outs:
Giving birth to my beautiful daughter
Finding out my first love was actually gay!
Travelling to the US alone
Seeing one of my best friends dying in hospital
Meeting Adi and turning my life around

5. Best new experience in the decade?
Being a mum, all the beautiful places I've been. Jordan, Venice, Maldives..... Majorca lol

6. Best moment of the decade?
The begining, stood in a stadium in Cardiff in fishnets and DMs thinking I could conquer the world. And the end, dancing in the living room with my fiancé and daughter to Jool's Hollands hootanNny

7. Worst moment of the decade?
Losing Albert, losing my sanity.

8. Biggest change in the decade?
This has been a decade in which nothing has stayed the same.

9. Greatest lesson learnt in the decade?
To remember I am loved

10. Best achievement of the decade?
My degree, my job, but importantly getting back on track.

11. Worst failure of the decade?
My UCL masters experience. Unmitigated failure

12. What percentages of the decade was happy, sad and indifferent?
65% good 25% bad 10% indifferent

13. Best year of the decade?
2008 scarlett was born

14. Worst year of the decade?
2007 albert died

15. Better or worse than the decade before?
Different. Better I think but almost beyond sensible comparison

16. How do you expect the next decade to compare?
Better. I know myself a lot better now.

17. Biggest wish for the new decade?
That me and my family will be happy and healthy. That we'll get our boat and I'll be a teacher.

18. Biggest fear for the new decade?
The ridiculous fears only a mother can have

19. One thing you MUST do in the new decade?
Be happy!!

20. One thing you must NOT do in the new decade?
Give up on my dreams.

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