first post

Oct 24, 2003 14:51

thought i'd write something in this seeing as i've gone to all the effort of setting it up. what's going on with me then? erm...not much i suppose. it's friday and i'm in the art studio waiting for a room to become free so that i can finish a piece i've been working on for the last couple of days hence having time to doss about on here. Attempts to stay tee-total for the week have failed miserably seeing as i've been drunk twice already and i'm going into london tonight so i have a feeling drink will be involved somewhere down the line there too. oh well. according to an audience quiz on trisha i need to seek help for my "alcohol dependency issues" but i don't think we're at that stage quite yet, i'll give it some time.
course is going well, first time i've ever been on a course that i've actually felt comfortable and at ease with the people on it and also at the work rate which has been set. the creative freedom element is very appealing and i'm just hoping that i manage to push myself as much as i should really, but i'm in here on my day off so i guess that's a good sign.
still no word from my mother but i suspect that's because i told her i'm moving and that she's waiting for me to send her the new address. must do that on monday, am glad that the feud is showing some signs of ending and that it didn't end through me having to write a grovelling letter saying how sorry i was for being such an awful son etc. i guess that's another sign of progress. check me out, i'm the crazy progressing guy.
starting to feel a need for companionship etc, but whenever it comes close i just can't seem to deal with it properly. if this is the what the fallout from a serious long term relationship is all about i have a feeling i don't want to get into another one for a considerable period of time. it's over three months now since everything came to an end in that respect and yet my head's still a complete mess, especially when it comes to affairs of the heart etc. oh well, i guess that it sort of counterbalances my progressions, wouldn't want to be doing too well on too many levels. modern life is indeed rubbish.
don't really know what else to write today, will wait until i have urges to write again i suppose, and then scrawl/type down some more spurious rubbish in true teenage angst style, for most likely nobody's entertainment. ciao bella and all that x
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