Jan 30, 2008 01:01
12:06am. Sitting on the toilet.
12:07am. I fear that the Era of Sarah is over. I wish to give it an overview and analysis in this entry.
12:08am. One of Sarah's boyfriends, PerkBoy, who threatens to kill me two or three times a year, is like the only person who reads this journal. So it's going to feel like I'm writing this entry to him. Haha. I bear you no malice, PerkBoy.
Sarah is easily the coolest girl I've ever been with. There's an excellent chance she'll carry that title forever. I'm past my prime.
I met her in October 2005. I last saw her in December 2007. I estimate that there's a 50% chance I'll never see her again. Two years and two months.
Sarah is a genius and a moral relativist. She's probably the biggest moral relativist that I've ever met, save for myself. She's probably the best fuck I've ever had, with Yan a close second. I love her and think about her constantly.
Sarah is a compulsive liar. As far as I can tell, she cheats on her boyfriends without giving it a second thought, almost as a matter of principle. She's told me before that she never apologizes. Unless it's part of some manipulation tactic, of course.
We have compatible tastes in politics. We both enjoy making fun of cliches in movies and people. We're totally amoral. So that's a lot of bonding right there. But argument between us immediately devolves into insults and rhetorics. So we're basically incompatible at that level, and I view it as Sarah's major failing. As far as I can tell, she argues to win, and that's it. I can't recall a time that she's ever conceded a point to me. I'm not really sure Sarah even "believes" thing in the same way I do, as a collection of self-consistent facts (maybe I'm flattering myself).
So, what was "accomplished" in the two years I was with Sarah?
- Got out of the house a lot more than I would have otherwise. Even though a good fraction of the time we just spent the night in each others beds and that's it.
- Watched a bunch of movies together.
- Sarah introduced me to a lot of good music. I managed to steal her whole directory on to my ipod when I first met her.
- Had a lot of good sex (good in the sense that I enjoyed it, not her).
- Went with her to Vegas.
- Went with her to visit my Mom in Montana.
- Went with her to visit my Dad in Down South.
- Went to some concerts with her.
- Had my first and only threesome with her.
And I guess that's it. Sigh.
Seems pretty superficial when I write it all down like that. Saw some movies, had some sex. Is that love? Apparently.
I do love Sarah. I still whisper her name under my breath several times a day.
Sarah left the state for another school, without even telling me she was going. I assume she never thinks about me. She doesn't answer my calls or return them. She's signed on twice since I last saw her, I think because she was drunk. When I asked if I could visit her, she said "depends," which I assume means that I have to buy her something first.
Definitely love.
Life is meaningless. We all die.