Nov 24, 2005 23:29
approached classroom knowing that today we were going to get our results for the mental health presentation.
most tell me that a B+ was a respectable grade for a first assignment, but I feel like I failed cos i didnt get an A.
I asked why not, not in a criticising tutor way, but so that i could find out what i needed to improve on, and was told that my quotes were all anecdotal. Immediately producing my copy of the powerpoint slides, complete with quotes, sources, dates etc and he replied.
"interesting, I will look at the marks again now i can see that i may have overlooked this"
all well and good maybe but i still dont know what i lacked which relegated me into the B zone.
put it down to experience i suppose.... and just start on the Essay which has the same title but MUST be a community we are part of. Thanks. I thought we could work with the same remit as the presentation.
Steep learning curve at times i suppose.