Why I'm the Ultimate Instigator

Feb 24, 2008 19:55

Okay, haven't updated in forever, here's the quick pitch:

I've found my way to DC, I've been working for about two months now. Work is pretty cool. I haven't made a whole lot of friends but I'm surviving. I'll be going to California for three months for work come April and I'll be in Florida for Metrocon if you're even remotely interested.


In the attempt to meet new people, I went to meetup.com and joined some groups including an anime group. The idea, if you're not familiar, is to meet up in person with people who have similar interests. The anime group was meeting every week or so which was great. For the most part, I liked the people I met there.

The second time I went was to an event at an anime store called Anime Pavillion. I reluctantly joined a game of monopoly that night and had most of the rules yelled at me (it's been that long since I played). Two people in particular were really into it- the store owner, Steve, and the meet up group's organizer Lendsey. It came down to the three of us and by the time it did, I was ready to call it quits and made a remark about how it'd be a battle royale once I was out. That's when Lendsey, friendly fun-loving bitch- oh I mean girl- GIRL she is (bitch) informed me that they were just playing until they squashed me and then they'd call a truce.

So I figured, you know what? I'll just milk it till my last penny's gone then. Just to be spiteful really. Not in a really malicious way but in a snarky way cause these were the two that kept yelling at me every time I did something they didn't like. Cause it's not a board game. It's LIFE.

As it turns out, I started to win. And then I landed on a very sought after property, bought it, and molested the card. Physically. I didn't stick it down my pants but I stroked it and snuggled it. Like I said. Snarky. We ended the game out of exhaustion and Lendsey seemed pissed so I bought a japanese marble soda thing for her as a kind of "hey, didn't realize I was genuinely pissing you off, sorry" gift. She refused. I gave it to her boyfriend.

The next week was a video game kind of night. I went. I got tired and started to pack up some stuff I brought. Lendsey asks to talk to me and then asks if I got everything I brought. I say yes, head on my merry way and the next day? Email from Lendsey. Says sorry we didn't get to talk (I thought that was the talk....?). My behavior at the Anime Pavillion night was unacceptable (the night a week before with the monopoly game). People were bothered by it. I'm on probation.

So, obviously I got put on "probation" over a monopoly game. And OBVIOUSLY, the people bothered are Lendsey and her second face. There's no question. What I want to know is why didn't she tell me before the following meet up? Enough people brought stuff. Attendance was a record breaker. I'm guessing the answer is that she's just a bitch.

So last weekend I went to con nearby during which, I let one of the meet up members crash on my couch. He lives two hours away, I have three roommates who could help kick his ass if need be. During the con, we were walking to something or other and he saw Lendsey and started talking with her while we were walking. I didn't say anything cause...Bitch. The following morning at like...6 am, she calls him (in case he's going to answer, right? Boy this girl really believes in honest confrontation) and says she doesn't think he's a good "fit" for the group. Suggests he look elsewhere.

So, yeah. I got myself on probation AND another guy completely kicked out of an online meet up group.....Over a game of monopoly.

Am I a genius or what?
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