Jun 28, 2011 05:26

[Red never expected a third party to factor into his crusade against the Project. Nevertheless, he's suddenly finding himself surrounded by a small army of a group that isn't the rebellion and isn't the Project. He doesn't know what's going on or why they're attacking him, but he knows the odds aren't in his favor ( Read more... )

~surrogate!red, with: surrogate!blue, letty and cri are idea-ing again, !ic

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reachforfreedom June 28 2011, 09:37:29 UTC
[Honestly, Blue was surprised to see the letter in his mail the day before. He was worried at who the letter was talking about. Was it Taniyah? Or had they spotted Cassian and took him hostage? The thought alone was upsetting.

He didn't think twice as he set off to Lavender Tower at the appointed time. He had to save them, they were in danger and he couldn't risk losing either of them.]


exileforfreedom June 28 2011, 09:49:15 UTC
[Oh, Blue. If only you knew who they'd really found. Someone presumably harder to find and capture.

There should be a sensation of being watched once you enter the town. Hope you're good against Ghost-types, the Pokemon in the tower seem very agitated. However, even the trainers normally in the building are missing...]


reachforfreedom June 28 2011, 10:01:56 UTC
[Blue hated that familiar feeling of being watched. He had to deal with that for so long. Dealing with Ghost types aren't a problem. He's just glad a few of his Pokémon knew Dark type moves.

...yet seeing the lack of Channelers within the Tower seemed odd. Just what exactly was he getting himself into? He'll ponder this while climbing up the flight of stairs, trying to find any signs of other people.]


exileforfreedom June 28 2011, 10:14:46 UTC
[There won't be any sign of other people for a while. However, on the top floor, the moment you enter the door will slam shut behind you. There's a closed curtain at one end of the room.

And suddenly, you're not alone. There's a man in a tux standing so that the shadows obscure his face.]

"Thank you for coming, boy."


reachforfreedom June 28 2011, 10:18:53 UTC
[He ignores the door for the moment as he turns to look at the main. Who was it? He couldn't recognize the voice and it didn't help how his face was masked. ...damn.]

What do you want from me? If it's money...


exileforfreedom June 28 2011, 10:24:27 UTC
"Money? No... I'm already a very wealthy man. What I want... What I need from you is your cooperation."

[This man speaks like someone who holds all the cards. Like a puppeteer to a puppet, implying you're already under his control.]


reachforfreedom June 28 2011, 10:27:50 UTC
Cooperation? On what?

[Normally he'd tell the man to piss off, and walk away. However he's taken someone near and dear to him hostage. Blue just couldn't turn his back on them. Still he won't look very happy being under someone else's control.]


exileforfreedom June 28 2011, 10:41:22 UTC
"You're going to find the other Surrogate children and bring them to me. For every one you deliver... He'll get another day to draw breath."

[The man will open that curtain now. Behind it, there's a completely enclosed box made of shatter-proof glass. Inside that box is a pair of statues, between which is Red. He's hanging a little above being on his knees, head down, wrists handcuffed to the statues. Also in the box are a few lit candles.

What does this mean? Well, sooner or later, the oxygen in the box is going to run out.]


reachforfreedom June 28 2011, 10:46:51 UTC
[The moment "he" was mentioned, Blue automatically assumed he was referring to Cassian. How did they find him? He was "dead" - and his thoughts completely freeze at the sight of Red inside the glass box. He wants to do nothing but dash over, and yell out for Red but he didn't want to blatantly show his own weakness towards them. Closing his eyes, Blue turns away.]

Fine. I'll do it. But the moment you back down on your words...

[Trailing off he lets the unspoken threat hang, before shooting a look towards the man.]


exileforfreedom June 28 2011, 11:13:03 UTC
"Yes, I know it's troubling to see your old friend at the mercy of a stranger, isn't it... Do as you're told and you may learn something new about him."

[Red himself doesn't look too good in there. He's gaunt and thin, and pale from whatever these people may have done to him on top of his own unhealthy habits. He has some injuries, though they've been taken care of... It seems they had o hurt him quite a bit to even get him into this position.]


reachforfreedom June 28 2011, 11:20:01 UTC
[Blue's hands curl into a fist. He could tell Red wasn't doing well. What else had they done to him? This wasn't how he had wanted to be reunited with Red. He didn't particularly believe a word this man wasn't telling him either. Yet he had to play along for now. Or else Red's safety would be compromised.]

Fine. I'll go now.

[With that he'll abruptly turn to make his leave. He'll just track down what was his name? Jiro? He seemed like the easiest to take down...]


exileforfreedom June 28 2011, 11:51:52 UTC
[As you leave, Red comes to. Confused, he'll glance around his prison, before staring at your back. No way... You couldn't have been behind this, could you?

You see, the man in the tux has disappeared. All Red knows is that he was attacked and brought down, and then woke up in this position with you walking away.]


reachforfreedom June 28 2011, 14:53:51 UTC
[Unfortunately Blue's oblivious to that. He knew he was on a mission to capture one of the Surrogates. It was nothing against them but Red...his life is on the line. Who knew how long they'll keep Red alive for?

He'll soon be off, while calling out his Pidgeot. Hi-ho boy, to the Johto region.]


exileforfreedom June 28 2011, 16:12:25 UTC
[Red assesses his situation... He's a captive of someone and he's been left to suffocate. He has no idea how much oxygen is left in here, or how long he's been unconscious. His first priority: Conserve air. He has an idea of how he could do this... He just needs to put out the candles for it to work. He can't seem to get in a good position...

He can't focus. His thoughts keep drifting to wondering what you were doing there, walking away... It makes no sense.]


reachforfreedom June 28 2011, 21:50:35 UTC
[Finding his first target was Not Easy. Especially since said boy had the tendency to travel around on foot and somehow manage to allude detection. Good thing once he found him, he was easy enough to catch off guard and knock him unconscious.

It was a plus the kid was pretty light weight to carry in his arms. Once he returns he'll stalk on inside.]

Hey, I brought back one of them! What do you want with him anyway?

[...not that he cared. ...alright maybe he did. Just a little.]


exileforfreedom June 28 2011, 22:39:39 UTC
"Let's just say the Project isn't profiting me as I see fit."

[There's a cot for you to put Jiro on, though the man from before is nowhere in sight.

There's a new, heavy bruise on Red's face - he was knocked out again. The box around him seems to be smaller, too. Much smaller. But since you did as told the box will lift up for the moment, replenishing Red's air supply. He was nearly out of air, he awakes with a gasp for breath.]


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