Noncanon shenanigans in multidimensional Kanto; spam with relevant characters!

May 17, 2011 12:22

[There's a tiny Red curled up on the ground, in a slowly widening pool of blood. He has no Pokeballs, and even Pikachu is missing. He's coughing, arms curled around his midsection. Whatever happened to him, it wasn't good.]

injury, with: surrogate!blue, most definitely not canon, !ic

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/is terribad. thegoldhearted May 18 2011, 03:52:27 UTC
[He'd done it, he'd done it! No one should be proud of commanding their Typhlosion onto a small person such as Red. But Gold was praising his Pokemon- praising him! He did the right thing! Red was the only one in his way and he'd done the right thing to get rid of the current champion.

Typholsion had ripped three deep wounds into his stomach and Gold had taken his Pokeballs. There would be no fighting back tonight. He wasn't going to take his previous loss easily. It had DROVE him to do this.]

So what will you do now, Champion? You can't fight me back without your Pokeballs, much less move! Heh, does this mean I'm Champion now? Mm, no, that's only if you lose- better yet! Die here.


We all are, really perpetuallyten May 18 2011, 04:00:25 UTC
[Red quivers on the ground, hurt, hurt beyond anything he's ever imagined. He didn't... He didn't think anyone outside of Team Rocket could be this cruel, but here he is, bleeding a testament to the madness of others. He's scared, so scared that this will kill him. He doesn't want to die... He doesn't want to die!]


This is the most terribad i've been. >: thegoldhearted May 18 2011, 04:12:36 UTC
[Gold didn't and certainly wasn't feeling a shred of guilt for this either. Ha! He was actually laughing at Red. He was far too happy for this. He was really happy for this. He was joyous that Red was here, bleeding out onto the ground.

Never in a million years did he think he could do this! His Typhlosion had long retreated to a desolate cave nearby. The Pokemon felt guilty-- he really did feel guilty, he was wondering when his master would realize what he just did was illegal and wrong.]

Not gonna try to get back up, huh? [He gave a sharp kick to Red's side.] You don't speak, you make no noise. You probably won't even scream at that. Heh! You're so weak, why is a weak spirited person like you doing in the spot of Champion?

It makes me SICK!


Get used to it, honey, it's a long way down. But falling's half the fun~ perpetuallyten May 18 2011, 04:23:45 UTC
[Red certainly tried to scream. He looked like he was screaming. But no sound came out.

Why? It's been nearly forty years since Red came to the mountain, or at least, that long by his guess. How does anyone even remember him, or that he was a Champion? Red curls tighter around the injury, trying his best to protect himself from further injury.]


We'll fall together<3 thegoldhearted May 18 2011, 04:34:33 UTC
[Gold was careful not to break anything. He didn't Red to be broken, just cut up and bleeding. In pain.]

I could end this quickly Red, just say the word and I will certainly end your pain quickly for you. Otherwise, I'm just gonna watch you slowly bleed out.

[Yes, Gold was really that insane. It was a completely mystery as to why the Pokemon trainer had ended up like this. It was all the comparison he supposed.] They told me I would be just like you. They told me I took every step YOU took. I wanna be my own person, Red! I'm pretty sure you didn't kill to become Champion.

You're way too dull to understand any of this aren't you? [Another sharp kick to the side, smartly placed to keep everything to do with bone intact.]


Oh deary, don't you see? I've fallen much further than thee. I'll drag you down too far to flee, but perpetuallyten May 18 2011, 04:41:40 UTC
((by the end you'll shout out "Whee!"))

[Red screams silently again. It hurts, it hurts so bad... He doesn't want to die. Halfway through the scream, he feels something wet in his lungs. He coughs, trying to force the liquid out. It's a dark red color... Blood. Sweet Mew, he's... He's not going to die, is he?]


Drag me to the darkest depths with you.<3 thegoldhearted May 18 2011, 04:45:50 UTC
[Gold hesitates. The blood was overwhelming him. But he couldn't let up now. He was already the extremely bad guy here, the asshole who had the guts to attack a person who looked no older than ten.]

You'll die either way today. [He smirked.] Don't want you alive.


Down we go into the deep~ perpetuallyten May 18 2011, 05:12:41 UTC
[That's right, Gold. You attacked a child. You hurt a little kid. He's there, shivering and crying on the ground, in a pool of his own blood. He's terrified of death. Tears are dripping from his eyes, he's scared and hurt... And it's all. Your. Fault.]


Hand in hand~? thegoldhearted May 18 2011, 20:10:44 UTC
[But Gold doesn't feel bad for it yet. He won't feel bad, ever. He did what was necessary. This was his ultimate struggle for power and to stop bring compared to the Champion. To most, it was flattering. To Gold it was like he took every single footstep that Red did, and he absolutely hated it!]

...Crying is weak. Quit crying. [His now bloodied hand from turning him over wipes away at those tears, smearing blood across Red's face as he went. He got to examining Red, he was just a kid. But how? This Champion was supposed to be older than this.]

Never thought I would have to do this to you. You were supposed to throw the match Red. Why didn't you? You could have avoided this whole situation!


Hand in hand in harmony~ As I will, so mote it be! perpetuallyten May 18 2011, 21:41:50 UTC
[Red shuts his eyes against the blood. Why? Why? Why did you do this? He just wanted to hide from the world and be forgotten...

He had even hoped that maybe, maybe when you challenged him to battle, you would have the skill to defeat him. He could fade away, then. No one would have reason to remember him as the Champion, or the boy who was never defeated... He was hoping you'd have the skill for that. It would have been a disservice to you to throw the match. It would have been mocking you, and not letting you win on your own, like he did... You wouldn't have really won.

Red's scared. He feels cold, and the pain is starting to numb. He can hear his heart pounding in his ears. Is he... Going to die?]


You make me blush so, for this is a morbid subject we have glee for~ thegoldhearted May 18 2011, 23:00:57 UTC
[He doesn't really know why. He just knows that once you die, he will be Champion and there is nothing you can do about it anymore! Why was he acting out like this. Lyra would never talk to him again. Silver would be disappointed and the Police would definitely be after him if they found out that Gold's Typhplosion dealth the damage.

The skill level was almost a match. It was really a glorious battle. Red's Pikachu versus Gold's Typhlosion. it was the last Pokemon for both of them. Gold seemed to be winning- but that Pikachu dealt the damage to Typhlosion and they had lost. He didn't take losing too well. He'd never lost up until now ( ... )


For there to be light, there must also be darkness. To know good, we must know bad. There can be no perpetuallyten May 18 2011, 23:41:15 UTC
((fluff without angst to differentiate it.))

[Red doesn't want to die, he's never wanted to die. Death is unknown. It isn't like most unknown things, where you have an idea of what could happen. No one can see beyond death until they die, and no one can return from it to tell what it's like. He looks up at you, hurt, but... Not angry. He's just scared. Scared and alone, and sad. He's always been alone, you know?]


You have quite the way with words, it makes my mind flutter so~ thegoldhearted May 18 2011, 23:51:58 UTC
[Gold didn't want Red to die either! He's just going to continue to stroke Red's hair, make sure thedying isn't too horrid. He catches the night of Red's eyes.]

You're not mad at me, are you? You're..sad, you've been lonely all these years up here, haven't you? [Gold doesn't know how he's getting all this, but his heart was pounding in his chest, a weird feeling was taking his body over. What was it?]

I'm always alone too. Crystal has been with me ever since I met her. But...I can't stand to think that I'll be alone again. No, I've always been alone, who the hell am I trying to fool?! [He put his head in his hands.] Dammit, I can't be feeling guilty for this.

[This was going to drive him mad, he was tempted to grab something heavy and just beat on Red with it. But the very thought of that turned his stomach. Gold was never meant to be a bad person- just someone who was oushed way further over the edge then they were meant to be pushed.] Heh. Now I feel sympathy for you, brat. I shouldn't. You didn't defend yourself or strike back.


I can only try~ perpetuallyten May 19 2011, 00:33:55 UTC
[Lonely. Yes, Red is lonely. Despite the company of his Pokemon, he's felt so alone. He craves human friendship. He can't have it because they'd only worry, once they found out about him.

He had been so happy when someone had come to challenge him. Maybe, just maybe, he thought, he could befriend them. Maybe they wouldn't care that he can't speak, or that he can't age. Maybe, maybe, maybe.

But, as you've taught him, maybes seldom are.]


B'awww Red. >: thegoldhearted May 19 2011, 00:46:04 UTC
Sucks being lonely. Sucks being the only person on your journey. Sucks having all these stupid people registered in your PokeGear, and no one cares to call. I threw my PokeGear off the mountain before I got here- I hate distractions.

[Gold, Gold now wishes he hadn't snapped. He's settling back into normal Gold it seemed. But the crazy wasn't completely out of him yet.] I thought it was the best idea in the world to have Typhlosion attack you, bring down the champion, have no glory left. But look who doesn't have the glory now, just the guilt of killing someone.

You're gonna die Red, you're gonna die because I don't know how to save you. [Gold was talking nonsense talk. He was in a panic mode. He couldn't take this any longer. What was he going to do with himself.]

Red, do you think it would be a redeemingly quality to kill myself up here? To right my wrong. I don't deserve to live anymore. [Was Red really even paying attention at this point?]


Sob Gold ;~; perpetuallyten May 19 2011, 01:32:49 UTC
[Pokegear...? Red never had one... He doesn't even know what that is. He wonders if maybe... If maybe he'd be able to speak now, if he had...

Red... Doesn't want to... He doesn't want to leave for any reason. But he doesn't... He especially doesn't... Want to take anyone with him... Slowly, he takes one arm away from his stomach, reaching for your hand. He's not sure why.]


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