there arent cigarettes enough in this world

Sep 07, 2004 20:45

so first you decide to take away my coping mechanisms
except the ones i DO NOT want to use
and procede to grind me into the ground, into a mound
of quivering blood and broken nerve endings
broken nerve sendings
and scream
scream because you're so fucking small
scream because you're about to fucking fall
scream because you're so afraid to crawl
and crush me
it'll all be ok for you if you just crush me
crush me just a little sooner than you yourself are crushed
and dont let me cope
break my heart into a thousand pieces
steal them swallow them regurjitate and flush them
then come back and appologize
from the deepest recesses of your disguise
come back and tell me you're my close friend
come back and say you'll be there till the end
say that the difference between you and life is that life doesnt love me
life doesnt give a shit about me
life will go on without me
get yourself all worked up and start screaming again
go ahead, you obviously are oblivious
to the effects you have upon me
go ahead, break me and glue be back
just to thrash my scull again with a baseball bat
glue me back, so you'll have a fresh coat of paint
to peel off in the morning
calm down, appologize, make everything right
have dinner, little conversation
do you even realize its only been five minutes
since you said you'd never do this again??
do you even realize its only been five minutes
since you said you were my friend??
storm the fuck off
run the fuck away
i wish you'd take your ugliness too
but that shit is stuck in my hair like glue
the same glue you use
to fix me after you abuse
me, fix me after you refuse
me, fix me after you lose
drive away in a rage
drunk as a skunk in a funk that fell off of the bunk
go to MY friends' house
and act all apolojetic
and act all pathetic
get some sympathy
make them think you didnt mean to do it
stay gone just under long enough
and bust into the kitchen
glare at me again
and say with malevolent freedom
"so, are you still mad at me?"
what a way to start a conversation
with someone who fears for their life
with someone who fears for their sanity
because of you
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