Yah for my soon-to-be-famous husband!!!!

May 21, 2010 13:38


While looking at links about the Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop, I found that a woman attendee had written a blog post about an incident that occured there. She didn't know who the kind man was.


Mystery solved!

It was the

Famous (1)
Award-winning Humour Writer (2) 
Standup Comedian (3)

my husband, M!

Oh, heck, if he's going to be famous, his cover is blown.

Get to know this name. You'll be reading him and watching him in the coming millennium!

Michael Katz

(1)  (one of these days)

(2)  He won the Globe and Mail Humour Challenge twice alone (and twice more co-writing with me).

(3)  His first standup performance was at the Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop on April 17, 2010.

yah!, hill of beans

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