Did you miss me? Ha, you probably didn't even notice I was gone.
We had to take care of a minor health problem for M before we left on our vacation. The problem is chronic but treatable and he's feeling fine now.
I couldn't decide which of my research books to take with me, so I packed most of them! Heh, I also bought three more... Luckily we were travelling by car. I worked on Super Secret Novel Project, which I shall call ODS if I ever refer to it because it's, you know, secret.
Most of my writing was done longhand, which I actually prefer sometimes. But I had no choice. Our laptop is badly infected with a virus and even long-distance help from Computer Guru couldn't fix it.
Although we took the fancy schmancy digital camera and took a few pictures with it at our second destination, I still don't know how to upload them onto the computer.
I love, love, love my Blackberry's camera, which is no hassle. Here are a few pics I took with it.
Can you guess our first destination?
Mercury's in retrograde, all right.
1. Laptop has a bad virus.
2. Our tvs aren't getting any signal.
3. We need to call our telephone service to find out why our answering machines won't save messages for more than a day. (Before we went away, it would save messages for a week or until you resaved.)
4. A non-flushing toilet. (Luckily, not the sole toilet in the house.)
But here's the good news...