So, I guess I'll have to start using DW now

Apr 09, 2017 21:23

I'm badafthunter over there, and I'd love to have everyone over there.

I've been following some of you for a decade, if not more. I'd love to continue being pals with you, because a whole lot of you have been with me during the most important moments in my life, whether you knew it, or not.

I adore the whole bunch of you.

Share my DW with people I might know, or who would like to continue being friends with me over there?

Red and I will be looking into importing our old Haven-stuff to it, as well. Because... Well. Because that's our baby, that's why <3

Love you all,


PS. Looks like I'm back to my old fandoms, woooo <3 <3 <3

rl and such

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